##Prerequisite: May need to install some python module: (requests , BeautifulSoup4)
python3 -m pip install --user requests
python3 -m pip install --user BeautifulSoup4
##Some simple usage examples
weather.py [-h] [-l location] [-u unit] [-a | -c | -d day] [-s]
a.> python3 weather -h
b.> python3 weather.py -l Hsinchu -u c -c
c.> python3 weather.py -l Hsinchu -u c -a
d.> python3 weather.py -l Hsinchu -u c -d 2
e.> python3 weather.py -l Hsinchu -c -s
f.> python3 weather.py -l taipei,hsinchu,tainan -a
g.config.py format
'#': represent comment
LOCATION="hsinchu , taipei , tainan" #can using many citys and seperated by comma
UNIT="f" or UNIT="c"