DEPRECATED USE boxes-scroll
ng-infinity-scroll is a directive for angular 1.x
it allows to use angular directive limitTo synchronized with a scrollbar.
It is very usefull to use this directive when you try to show many rows in the table for example.
Define size of your table in pixel and infinity-scroll compute pertinent limit and manage begin variables.
Installation is easy with minimal dependencies - only the AngularJS and Jquery
$ npm install ng-infinity-scroll
When you are done downloading all the dependencies and project files the only remaining part is to add dependencies on the infinity.scroll
AngularJS module:
angular.module('myModule', ['infinity.scroll']);
<infinity-scroll scrollbar-size="md" show-info-delay="2000" total="ctrl.items.length"
ng-begin="begin" ng-limit="limit"
style="border:solid 1px black;height:300px">
<table class="table table-hover table-striped">
<th style="width:30px">First</th>
<th style="width:20px">2e</th>
<th style="width:50px">Last</th>
<th style="width:20px"></th>
<tr ng-repeat="item in ctrl.items| limitTo:limit:begin">
<td ng-bind="item"></td><td><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-user"></span></td><td>Mark</td><td>Otto</td><td>@mdo</td><td><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-adjust"></span></td>
(function (ng) {
'use strict';
ng.module('app', ['infinity.scroll']).controller('AppCtrl', AppCtrl);
function AppCtrl() {
var ctrl = this;
ctrl.items = [.......];
Important : For vertical infinity-scroll container, you have to set the height css property. Instead, you can set max-height.
If you use max-height, you will see the item drawed one by one. Prefer height, mostly if many items will be visible.
- total (number) : The number of items
- ng-limit : the limit of window for directive limitTo. This value is managed by the directive, don't set it, just name it, in controller or scope
- ng-begin : the begin of window for directive limitTo. This value is managed by the directive, don't set it, just name it, in controller or scope
- tag-items (string) (optional) : Define the tagname of node repeated by directive ng-repeat. Default value 'tr', without quote.
- scrollbar-size (string) (optional) : Define the size of scrollbar. Values('xs', 'sm', 'md', 'lg'), without quote. xs:4px, sm:8px, md:16px, lg:20px. Default value md
- show-info-delay (number) (optional) : define the delay of time the infos about the window appears. Default value 1000 ms
- debounce (number) (optional) : Set the delay before compute ng-limit. Default value 300 ms
- collapsible (optional) : The scrollbar appears only when the mouse is over the container.
scroll-horizontal (optional) : change direction of scroll box