- BDD Behaviour Driven Development
- Cucumber Maven Project
- Cucumber Java with Selenium
- First Selenium Scenario
- Hooks
- More Scenarios and IntelliJ Step Definition generation
- Using Parameters with Cucumber Expression
- Using
to reuseGiven
condition - Cucumber Tags
- Creating TestRunner
- Data tables
- Scenario Outline with Example
- Adding Screenshot to Failed Scenarios
- Rerunning Failed Scenario
- Using Third-Party HTML Reporter
- More About Maven
Behavior Driven Development (BDD) is an effective collaborative approach that enables teams to prioritize and deliver valuable features more quickly and reliably. BDD enhances traditional agile practices, including sprint planning, backlog refinement, user stories, and acceptance criteria, making them significantly more efficient.
Behavior Driven Development (BDD) offers several significant benefits that enhance the software development process:
- Clear Communication: BDD facilitates improved communication among team members, including developers, testers, and business stakeholders. This collaborative approach ensures that everyone has a shared understanding of requirements and expectations, reducing misunderstandings.
- Fewer Defects: By emphasizing early testing and defining scenarios based on user behavior, BDD helps identify issues at an early stage in the development cycle. This proactive approach leads to a reduction in defects and enhances overall software quality.
- Higher Quality, More Innovative Solutions: BDD encourages collaboration and input from various stakeholders, leading to more user-focused and innovative solutions. The alignment of development with business goals ensures that the final product meets user needs effectively.
- Higher Quality, Easier to Maintain Automated Test Suites: The test cases generated through BDD are written in plain language, making them easily understandable and maintainable by both technical and non-technical team members. This clarity simplifies the maintenance of automated test suites over time.
- Documentation that is Always Up-to-Date: BDD scenarios serve as living documentation that evolves alongside the codebase. This ensures that documentation remains current and accurately reflects the system's behavior, making it easier for new team members to onboard
Here is how typical process look like :
Teams practicing BDD work together to discover and understand the real business needs behind a user story or feature.
- They explore the requirement by discussing examples and counter-examples of user and system behaviour with the business.
- This happens during a workshop often known as the "Three-Amigos" meeting
- The purpose of the Three Amigos workshop is not only to build up a deep shared understanding within the team, but also to uncover areas of uncertainty or incorrect assumptions that would typically only surface much later on.
- Teams often use techniques such as Example Mapping and Feature Mapping to facilitate the requirements discovery process.
The concrete examples that are created collaboratively in discovery workshops can be used to automatically verify that the software behaves consistently with these examples.
This happens by expressing those examples as executable software specifications in plain language that everyone on the team can understand using Gherkin
Gherkin is a structured language designed for writing Behavior Driven Development (BDD) tests, enabling clear communication between technical and non-technical team members. It employs a specific syntax that is straightforward to read, typically utilizing the Given-When-Then format to articulate the expected behavior of a system succinctly. This format helps in defining scenarios that are both understandable and testable, thus enhancing collaboration among stakeholders.
Syntax usually follow this pattern
Given a certain condition is established
When specific actions are performed
Then an expected outcome should occur
For example:
Feature: Etsy search functionality
Agile Story: User should be able to type any keyword and see relevant information
Scenario: Etsy Search Functionality Title Verification (without parameterization)
Given user is on the Etsy homepage
When user types Wooden Spoon in the search box
And user click to Etsy search button
Then user sees Wooden Spoon is in the title
The specific examples (scenarios) of a Feature is written in Gerkin
in a Feature
file (a file with .feature extension).
Here is the Gherkin reference doc.
These specifications (called scenarios) are then executed by tools (That's the reason it's also called executable specification) and That's where cucumber comes in.
Cucumber is a tool to support the BDD Process and write automated acceptance test to provide fast feedback.
Cucumber reads executable specifications written in plain text Gherkin and validates that the software does what those specifications say.
Cucumber support couple languages java , js , ruby and so on. we will be using cucumber for java cucumber-jvm.
A Step Definition is a Java method with an expression that links it to one or more Gherkin steps. When Cucumber executes a Gherkin step in a scenario, it will look for a matching step definition to execute.
A step definition carries out the action that should be performed by the step. So step definitions hard-wire the specification to the implementation.
┌────────────┐ ┌──────────────┐ ┌───────────┐
│ Steps │ │ Step │ │ │
│ in Gherkin ├──matched with──>│ Definitions ├───manipulates──>│ System │
│ │ │ │ │ │
└────────────┘ └──────────────┘ └───────────┘
For example :
Given user is on the Etsy homepage
will match a java method as below
@Given("user is on the Etsy homepage")
public void user_is_on_the_etsy_homepage() {
And this step
When user types Wooden Spoon in the search box
will match a java method as below
@When("user types Wooden Spoon in the search box")
public void user_types_wooden_spoon_in_the_search_box() {
etsyHomePage.searchBox.sendKeys("Wooden Spoon");
Steps can be reused as long as the definition matches.
The steps can be parameterized as well for example , instead of creating new steps for adding different number , we can use the cucumber expression to parameterize as below
@When("user enters {string} in the Bing search box")
public void userEntersInTheBingSearchBox(String searchKey) {
bingSearchPage.searchBox.sendKeys(searchKey + Keys.ENTER);
Above step definition can be used for all steps below
When user enters "orange" in the Bing search box
When user enters "selenium" in the Bing search box
When user enters "webdriver" in the Bing search box
Here are the other parameter type available :
Matches integers, for example 71 or -19.{float}
Matches floats, for example 3.6, .8 or -9.2.{byte}
Matches words without whitespace, for example banana (but not banana split).{string}
Matches single-quoted or double-quoted strings, for example "banana split" or 'banana split' (but not banana split). Only the text between the quotes will be extracted. The quotes themselves are discarded.- {} anonymous
Create a maven project with name
- Select java 11
- group id :
- artifact id : leave it as is
- Click Create
create folder structure as below
- under
create below packages - create a package
,under this package- create
package - create
package - create
package - create
- create
- under
create a directory(folder) under
- when asked for the name , select
from dropdown it provided - under resources create a folder
- when asked for the name , select
add dependencies into your
cucumber java
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/io.cucumber/cucumber-java --> <dependency> <groupId>io.cucumber</groupId> <artifactId>cucumber-java</artifactId> <version>7.3.2</version> </dependency>
cucumber junit
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/io.cucumber/cucumber-junit --> <dependency> <groupId>io.cucumber</groupId> <artifactId>cucumber-junit</artifactId> <version>7.3.2</version> <scope>test</scope> </dependency>
Add a feature file called
- right click on features folder ---> New ---> File --> FileName.feature
- add below content
Feature: Login to app @login Scenario: Login with valid credentials Given user is on the login page When user fill in username And user fill in password And user click on the "Login" button Then user should be redirected to the home page
Create a new class
under steps -
Run the feature file by using run button beside feature scenario
Copy the code from the console error and remove the content of method with your own
run again to see the scenario pass ,
Here is the full StepDef class.
- add selenium dependency
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.seleniumhq.selenium/selenium-java -->
- add WebDriverManager Dependency (Don't need WebDriverManager Dependency with Selenium 4)
- but if you want
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/io.github.bonigarcia/webdrivermanager -->
- add faker dependency (this is not selenium dependency, we will use it for random data at some point)
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.github.javafaker/javafaker -->
- copy all
utilities classes
from previous project under utilities package. - copy all
from previous project and place it under pages package. - add
file from previous project.
Here is the initial feature file we wrote for automation-exercise login page
Feature: Login to app
Scenario: Login with valid credentials
Given user is on the login page
When user fill in username
And user fill in password
And user click on the "Login" button
Then user should be redirected to the home page
Here is the step definition class we created to match steps
package com.demo.steps;
import com.demo.pages.LoginPage;
import com.demo.utilities.ConfigurationReader;
import com.demo.utilities.Driver;
import io.cucumber.java.en.And;
import io.cucumber.java.en.Given;
import io.cucumber.java.en.Then;
import io.cucumber.java.en.When;
import org.junit.Assert;
public class Login_StepDefs {
LoginPage loginPage = new LoginPage();
@Given("user is on the login page")
public void user_is_on_the_login_page() {
@When("user fill in username")
public void user_fill_in_username() {
@When("user fill in password")
public void user_fill_in_password() {
@When("user click on the Login button")
public void user_click_on_the_login_button() {
@And("user click on the {string} button")
public void userClickOnTheButton(String btnName) {
@Then("user should be redirected to the home page")
public void user_should_be_redirected_to_the_home_page() {
Assert.assertTrue(loginPage.profileIcon.getText().contains("Logged in as"));
//System.out.println("loginPage.profileIcon.getText() = " + loginPage.profileIcon.getText());
Unlike previous project , we do not have test base to automatically set up and teardown driver once we are done. Browser will not automatically close after test and implicit wait will not be set before scenario run.
So how do we do it ? with the help of Cucumber "Hooks" !
Hook is a commonly used term in cucumber to illustrate the idea of running some code right before and after each scenario.
In our case, we wanted to set up driver and implicit wait before each scenario and tear down driver after each scenario.
Here is how cucumber does it using cucumber annotation
coming fromimport io.cucumber.java.Before;
coming fromimport io.cucumber.java.After;
All we have to do is create a class and add methods with above annotation as below :
package com.demo.steps;
import com.demo.utilities.Driver;
import io.cucumber.java.After;
import io.cucumber.java.Before;
import io.cucumber.java.Scenario;
import org.openqa.selenium.OutputType;
import org.openqa.selenium.TakesScreenshot;
public class Hooks {
public void setUp() {
// Set up any necessary setup for each scenario
// maximize page and implicitly wait is setup in Driver class
public void tearDown(Scenario scenario) {
if (scenario.isFailed()) {
byte[] screenshot = ((TakesScreenshot) Driver.getDriver()).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.BYTES);
scenario.attach(screenshot, "image/png", scenario.getName());
No Inheritance needed anywhere!
Now we can assume it will set up and close the browser for each "ui" scenario everywhere.
As we did with Search Product example , it's easy to reuse steps using parameters.
Here is different style of scenario that contains dynamic click to demonstrate the point.
Feature: Search Product
Scenario: Verify search product page is displayed
Given I am on the homepage
When user click on the "Products" page button
Then user is navigated to "All Products" page successfully
When enter product name "hat"
Then verify "SEARCHED PRODUCTS" is visible
And Verify all the products related to search are visible
So now step definitions will be as below without duplicate
package com.demo.steps;
import com.demo.pages.SearchProductPage;
import com.demo.utilities.BrowserUtils;
import com.demo.utilities.Driver;
import io.cucumber.java.en.Then;
import io.cucumber.java.en.When;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
public class SearchProduct_StepDefs {
SearchProductPage searchProductPage = new SearchProductPage();
@When("user click on the {string} page button")
public void userClickOnThePageButton(String mainMenuTab) {
@Then("user is navigated to {string} page successfully")
public void user_is_navigated_to_page_successfully(String mainMenuTab) {
System.out.println("Driver.getDriver().getTitle() = " + Driver.getDriver().getTitle());
@When("enter product name {string}")
public void enter_product_name(String searchProductName) {
@Then("verify {string} is visible")
public void verify_is_visible(String text) {
@Then("Verify all the products related to search are visible")
public void verify_all_the_products_related_to_search_are_visible() {
//System.out.println("searchProductPage.searchResultList.size() = " + searchProductPage.searchResultList.size());
if (!searchProductPage.searchResultList.isEmpty()){
for (WebElement each : searchProductPage.searchResultList) {
System.out.println("each.getText() = " + each.getText());
} else {
System.out.println("NO ITEM FOUND");
As we progress in below 2 scenarios,
We found that both of them repeating the below step in Given
Feature: Login to app
Scenario: Login with valid credentials
Given user is on the login page
When user fill in username
And user fill in password
And user click on the "Login" button
Then user should be redirected to the home page
Scenario Outline: Login with invalid email and password
Given user is on the login page
When user fill in "<invalid_email>" as email
And user fill in "<invalid_password>" as password
And user click on the "Login" button
Then user should see an error message
| invalid_email | invalid_password |
| invalid@example.com | wrongPassword123 |
| user@invalid.com | 123456 |
| invalid@example.com | !+ |
| invalid@example.com | validPassword |
| invalid@example.com | validPassword |
Given user is on the login page
So we can reuse this step in each scenario using new keyword Background
Feature: Login to app
Background: All scenarios will use below step
Given user is on the login page
Now we can remove this repeating Given
section in all scenarios
Feature: Login to app
Background: All scenarios will use below step
Given user is on the login page
Scenario: Login with valid credentials
When user fill in username
And user fill in password
And user click on the "Login" button
Then user should be redirected to the home page
Scenario Outline: Login with invalid email and password
When user fill in "<invalid_email>" as email
And user fill in "<invalid_password>" as password
And user click on the "Login" button
Then user should see an error message
| invalid_email | invalid_password |
| invalid@example.com | wrongPassword123 |
| user@invalid.com | 123456 |
| invalid@example.com | !+ |
| invalid@example.com | validPassword |
| invalid@example.com | validPassword |
Tags are a great way to organise your features and scenarios.
They can be used for two purposes:
- Running a subset of scenarios
- (using test runner in next section)
- Restricting hooks to a subset of scenarios
for example only open browser and close browser for scenarios tagged with
. -
@Before("@ui") public void setUp() { // Set up any necessary setup for each scenario // maximize page and implicitly wait is setup in Driver class } @After("@ui") public void tearDown(Scenario scenario) { if (scenario.isFailed()) { byte[] screenshot = ((TakesScreenshot) Driver.getDriver()).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.BYTES); scenario.attach(screenshot, "image/png", scenario.getName()); } Driver.closeDriver(); }
Tags are used in feature file at feature level or scenario level.
Since feature file is not source code, any tag with any name (without space or reserved characters) can be used.
If a tag is used at feature level , all scenarios under same feature will inherit it.
## below line is how we add tag to a feature at feature level
## you can add more than one tags on anything
## @ui tag is feature level
## @login tag is scenario level
Feature: Login to app
Background: All scenarios will use below step
Given user is on the login page
Scenario: Login with valid credentials
When user fill in username
And user fill in password
And user click on the "Login" button
Then user should be redirected to the home page
A tag expression is a boolean expression. Below are some examples:
Expression | Description |
@fast |
Scenarios tagged with @fast |
@wip and not @slow |
Scenarios tagged with @wip that aren’t also tagged with @slow |
@smoke and @fast |
Scenarios tagged with both @smoke and @fast |
@ui or @database |
Scenarios tagged with either @ui or @database |
We have been running the feature directly from the feature file. While it is convenient to get started, It will limit ability to have more granular control over what we want to run and how.
Cucumber encourage the usage of separate Test runner class with many built in options
Runner class has only one purpose - run features according to instruction. It's always empty and use special annotations as below
to define this is for running cucumber@CucumberOptions
to define all related configurations
for example :
where are the feature files :
features = "src/test/resources/features"
- alternatively
features = "classpath:features"
SHORTER!- anything under
can be referred byclasspath:
- anything under
where are the step definitions (glue code):
glue = "com/demo/steps"
quick check missing step definitions without actually running steps
- it will only check missing definition and provide it on console if any
- it will save time by giving immediate check instead of wasting time running the whole thing and find out we have missing step definition.
- it's the default value and will run all scenarios and error out if missing step definition exists
filter using tags
tags = "@smoke"
- run any feature or scenario that tagged with
- run any feature or scenario that tagged with
html reports , json reports , pretty console report and so on with built-in plugins
plugin = {"html:target/cucumber-reports.html"}
- This will generate simple html report under target folder with a name
- This will generate simple html report under target folder with a name
plugin = {"pretty", "html:target/cucumber.html"}
plugin will generate colorful console report
plugin = {"pretty", "html:target/cucumber.html","json:target/cucumber.json}
- This will generate a report in a format known as
(Javascript Object notation) - Third party reporting tools can use this report to easily customize the report view with rich ui.
- for example, we will use third party reporting from
later using this.
- for example, we will use third party reporting from
- This will generate a report in a format known as
publishing generated built-in html report
- since cucumber version 6.7+ , it can be published to temporary location publicly to share report with others
It's relatively new service that still in development
- It can be done simply adding one more cucumber option as
- since cucumber version 6.7+ , it can be published to temporary location publicly to share report with others
storing the list of failed scenario for rerun later.(instead of running the whole thing). will talk about this separately in it's own section.
package com.demo.runners;
import io.cucumber.junit.Cucumber;
import io.cucumber.junit.CucumberOptions;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
plugin = {
features = "src/test/resources/features",
glue = "com/demo/steps",
dryRun = false,
tags = "@ui",
publish = true //generating a report with public link
public class Runner {
If we run above test runner ,
it will only run the scenarios that tagged with @ui
and generate pretty console report , json report , html report.
Instead of repeating same steps that have different data, we can use table to represent the structure for readability
Data tables from Gherkin can be accessed by using the DataTable
object as the last parameter
in a step definition.
This conversion can be done either by Cucumber or manually.
Depending on the table shape as one of the following collections:
- Table with single column
Feature: Cucumber Data Tables implementation practices
Scenario: List of fruits and vegetables I like
Then user should see below list
| orange |
| apple |
| kiwi |
| strawberry |
| tomato |
| pear |
| eggplant |
- Table with first column as column name second column as value
Map<String, String> animalNoiseMap
orList<List<String>> animalAndNoiseList
Scenario: Officer reads data about driver
Then officer is able to see any data he wants
| name | Jane |
| surname | Doe |
| age | 29 |
| address | somewhere |
| state | CA |
| zipcode | 99999 |
| phone | 111-1111-1111 |
- Table with headers and multiple columns :
List<Map<String, TypeGoesHere>> productMapList
Given this is the product reference
| Product | Price | Discount |
| MyMoney | 100 | 0.08 |
| FamilyAlbum | 80 | 0.15 |
| ScreenSaver | 20 | 0.1 |
Extras as below
- Table with no header , 2+ column , first column as header :
Map<String, List<String>> productMap
=> 20
Given this is the product reference
| MyMoney | 100 | 0.08 |
| FamilyAlbum | 80 | 0.15 |
| ScreenSaver | 20 | 0.1 |
- Table with first column no header , 2+ column has header
Map<String, Map<String, String>> groupsMap
- first column as key for the map
- second map hold each column as key and cell as value
=>Wonder Woman
Given this is the group leader information
| | firstName | lastName | heroName |
| group1 | Clark | Kent | Superman |
| group2 | Bruce | Wayne | Batman |
| group3 | Diana | Prince | Wonder Woman |
| group4 | Barry | Allen | Flash |
Here is Web Table App simple login scenario we practiced to use data table.
Scenario: Positive login scenario
Given user is on the Web Table app login page
When user enters below correct credentials
| username | Test |
| password | Tester |
And user clicks to login button
Then user should see orders word in the URL
And here is the only step definition we do not have for When we provide below credentials
@When("user enters below correct credentials")
public void userEntersBelowCorrectCredentials(Map<String, String> credentials) {
Task 1 :
Scenario: User should see side bar tabs as expected
Given we are at web order login page
When we provide valid credentials
Then we should see all order page
And side bar tabs should be as below
| View all orders |
| View all products |
| Order |
Task 2 :
Scenario: User should see product table as expected
Given we are at web order login page
And we provide valid credentials
When we select "View all products" tab from sidebar
And we should see table with below content
# for the same of simplicity below table is modified to match exactly to actual table
| Product | Price | Discount |
| MyMoney | $100 | 8% |
| FamilyAlbum | $80 | 15% |
| ScreenSaver | $20 | 10% |
Task 3 :
Scenario: User should see correct product price generated
Given we are at web order login page
And we provide valid credentials
When we select "Order" tab from sidebar
Then we should see three section as below
|Product Information|
|Address Information|
|Payment Information|
And select each product from dropdown should change the unit price accordingly
| ScreenSaver | 20 |
| MyMoney | 100 |
| FamilyAlbum | 80 |
# you need to loop to select each item and assert unit price box
Task 4 :
Scenario: User should see correct product price and discount generated with total price
Given we are at web order login page
And we provide valid credentials
When we select "Order" tab from sidebar
Then selecting blow product and quantity should show correct total and discount
| Product | Price | quantity | Discount | Total |
| ScreenSaver | 20 | 5 | 0 | 100 |
| MyMoney | 100 | 5 | 0 | 500 |
| FamilyAlbum | 80 | 5 | 0 | 400 |
| ScreenSaver | 20 | 10 | 10 | 180 |
| MyMoney | 100 | 10 | 8 | 920 |
| FamilyAlbum | 80 | 10 | 15 | 120 |
# you need to loop to select each item and assert discount box and total box
Task 5 :
Scenario: User should see correct error messages
Given we are at web order login page
And we provide valid credentials
When we select "Order" tab from sidebar
And submit the form
Then below error messages should be visible on screen
| Quantity must be greater than zero. |
| Field 'Customer name' cannot be empty. |
| Field 'Street' cannot be empty. |
| Field 'City' cannot be empty. |
| Field 'Zip' cannot be empty. |
| Field 'Card Nr' cannot be empty. |
| Field 'Expire date' cannot be empty. |
It's common that sometime we run same set of steps against multiple different set of data.
Few examples we have already seen till now are :
- logging in with different credentials
- adding different numbers in calculator feature
- searching for different keywords in google
- or entering different set of order data in web order app
Out initial approach is to parameterize the data with cucumber expressions like
for number{word}
for single word (without quotation){string}
for any string enclosed in quotation and so on
For example in this Google Search feature file :
Scenario: Order placement scenario
Given user is already logged in to The Web table app
When user is on the Order page
And user enters quantity "2"
Then user clicks to the calculate button
And user enters customer name "Jane Doe"
And user enters street "7th Street"
And user enters city "New York"
And user enters state "New York"
And user enters zip "99999"
And user selects payment option "Visa"
And user enters credit card number "1111222233334444"
And user enters expiration date "12/25"
And user clicks to process order button
Then user should see "Jane Doe" in the first row of the web table
If we have to search for more keywords, then we will have to write more scenarios.
even thought we do not need to implement new step definitions.
Cucumber provide a way to data drive same scenario with different set of data (also known as data driven testing) to remove duplicates and simplify the feature file.
Scenario Outline is used to run same scenario against multiple different set of data.
The data is provided under Examples :
section as table, and it's required.
We can refer the table data using <columnName>
syntax in gherkin steps
these data will be available in your step definitions as method params like before.
Below is the Scenario Outline:
example for Google search :
Scenario Outline: Order placement scenario
Given user is already logged in to The Web table app
When user is on the Order page
And user enters quantity "<quantity>"
Then user clicks to the calculate button
And user enters customer name "<customerName>"
And user enters street "<street>"
And user enters city "<city>"
And user enters state "<state>"
And user enters zip "<zip>"
And user selects payment option "<paymentType>"
And user enters credit card number "<cardNumber>"
And user enters expiration date "<expDate>"
And user clicks to process order button
Then user should see "<expectedName>" in the first row of the web table
| quantity | customerName | street | city | state | zip | paymentType | cardNumber | expDate | expectedName |
| 3 | John Doe | 7th st | NY | NY | 99999 | Visa | 1111222233334444 | 12/25 | John Doe |
| 3 | Jane Doe | 7th st | NY | NY | 99999 | Visa | 1111222233334444 | 12/25 | Jane Doe |
| 3 | Jack Doe | 7th st | NY | NY | 99999 | Visa | 1111222233334444 | 12/25 | Jack Doe |
| 3 | Jen Doe | 7th st | NY | NY | 99999 | Visa | 1111222233334444 | 12/25 | Jen Doe |
| 3 | Mike Doe | 7th st | NY | NY | 99999 | Visa | 1111222233334444 | 12/25 | Mike Doe |
| 3 | Mary Doe | 7th st | NY | NY | 99999 | Visa | 1111222233334444 | 12/25 | Mary Doe |
When running above Scenario with example , it will run for 6 iteration with different keywords.
We have used hook to run certain codes before and after each scenario using @Before and @After annotation from cucumber on top of methods in Hooks class.
And we also used cucumber tags to restrict running of such methods for scenarios with certain tags.
In our case , it only makes sense to set up and teardown driver if it's a UI test.
So we have marked our browser related scenarios with @ui
When a scenario fail, only way to find out what fail at this moment is by looking at the log. And yet it would make sense for UI scenarios to have a screenshot of the moment of failure and attached to our html report with proper name.
It brings up two questions as below :
- How to take screenshot in selenium (pure selenium functionality) ?
- Where to put such screenshot code and how to access scenario information like pass fail and names ?
Let's start with taking screenshot in selenium using TakeScreenShot
Just like we used, JavaScriptExecutor
interface for running javascript,
interface from import org.openqa.selenium.TakesScreenshot;
has single method called getScreenshotAs
to save screenshot of current window.
Here is how it works :
- get a
reference out ofWebDriver
TakesScreenshot takesScreenshot = (TakesScreenshot) Driver.getDriver();
- save the file using
method and defineOutputType
. - here we are selecting output type as byte array because cucumber report expect byte array later when we attach the screenshot to report.
final byte[] screenshot = takesScreenshot.getScreenshotAs(OutputType.BYTES);
Let's now take a look at where we can use this screenshot in code.
Logical location will be @After
hook only if scenario fail.
In all hook methods , we have option to inject a parameter with type of Scenario
so we can get scenario information like pass fail and name and so on.
Here is how it looks like :
public void tearDown(Scenario scenario){
// scenario.isFailed()
// return true if scenario run failed false if not
// scenario.getName()
// reture the name of current scenario
// scenario.attach( byteArray, "mediaType", "name of screenshot")
// this is the method that accept 3 arguments
// byteArray represent image
// media type , image/png for picture
// name :whatever name we define, we will use scenario name
We will take screenshot only when scenario fails,
so here is how our final hook @After(@ui)
method look like
public void tearDown(Scenario scenario) {
if (scenario.isFailed()) {
byte[] screenshot = ((TakesScreenshot) Driver.getDriver()).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.BYTES);
scenario.attach(screenshot, "image/png", scenario.getName());
So now if any UI scenario fails, we can view screenshot from the report as below.
Sometimes scenarios can fail due to network issue or any unexpected temporary issues to cause scenario fail.
Sometimes we have failure in code, and we fix the issue by adding new code.
In both above scenario, it makes sense to just run failed scenarios instead of running entire test suite.
In order to do that , we will need to know exactly what scenarios failed, so we can use that information for next run.
And we will need separate runner just for running those failed scenario we captured from above step.
It's rather simple to capture failed scenario and save it into a text file
using cucumber built-in rerun
plugin as below:
plugin = {"rerun:target/rerun.txt"}
In addition to the plugin list we already have, it will do :
- create a file called
under target folder - store failed scenario inside the text file, so we can use it in separate failed test runner.
So next step is creating FailedTestRunner
class as below
package com.demo.runners;
import io.cucumber.junit.Cucumber;
import io.cucumber.junit.CucumberOptions;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
features = "@target/rerun.txt",
glue = "com/demo/step_definitions"
public class FailedTestRunner {
Now we have 2 runners classes
- one that run any scenario we specified
- another that run only failed scenarios.
We learned to use built-in simple html report plugin and publish it to temporary location.
There are a lot of third party tools that can take the result of cucumber run and generate much more gradual report with rich statistic and ui.
Here is the full list from the official documentation.
Steps :
- Add the latest dependency into your
- As optionally recommended, create a file
under root directory with below content
# This will become the report name
projectName=Cucumber Automation Framework
# This is optional build number you can add to report
buildNumber=release 1.0
- Add the plugin into your
class as below
package com.demo.runners;
import io.cucumber.junit.Cucumber;
import io.cucumber.junit.CucumberOptions;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
plugin = {
features = "src/test/resources/features",
glue = "com/demo/steps",
dryRun = false,
tags = "@ui",
publish = true //generating a report with public link
public class Runner {
Now, you can run using the CukesRunner
and expect below after test run:
- a new folder called
will be created - it will contain some html files and css, js to support the styling
You can open any of the html file to navigate to the report look as below
Maven is a powerful tool for java project and dependency management.
We have been primarily using for managing dependencies.
Maven is a command line tool, and it uses command line commands to control build lifecycle.
Here is the full list of lifecycles available
We only need 2 at this moment as tester.
- will remove the target folder , compiled src code and other resources
- will gather test resources into
folder - will compile source code into
folder - will execute compiled tests according to the setting
- will gather test resources into
You can easily execute the commands directly from IntelliJ
- right tab ->
-> selectone of the options
- double click to run and view result in console.
If you get warning about UTF-8
on left side add this to properties section
<properties> <maven.compiler.source>11</maven.compiler.source> <maven.compiler.target>11</maven.compiler.target> <project.build.sourceEncoding>UTF-8</project.build.sourceEncoding> </properties>
when you double-click
in maven tab- It will use a plugin called surefire plugin bundled with maven (usually we want to add our own with latest version)
- Sure fire plugin will look for any classes with name pattern contains
..- It's possible to provide much more control over what we want to run by providing configuration options in plugin section of
including parallel run and stuff - adding plugin will allow you to add more configuration option like
- ignoring test failure, so we can run the whole test without stopping for failure
- optionally configuring the run order -- alphabetically
- instructing which Class you want to include in the run
- by default, it will look for all test classes with these pattern
.. - we want to explicitly define run
- most importantly instruct maven to run test in parallel
run parallel at method level<useUnlimitedThreads>true</useUnlimitedThreads>
to use all available cpu resources- It's possible to run with fixed thread count for example 4 browser at a time
not 4 thread per code but overall 4 browser at a time , this will use less resources that using up all cpu power- Make
utility class Thread-Safe because we want to make sure each thread get their own browser- think of it as you have multiple cashier in the store and we want to make sure each cashier have their own cash box so not all cashier end up using one cash box
- It's like having many fishing rods catching their own fish (@Larisa)
- it will ensure browsers in each thread in parallel execution does not interfere with each other
- Using
class to wrap upWebDriver
declaration will allow us to make it thread-safe- instead of
private WebDriver obj
now we do this below private InheritableThreadLocal<WebDriver> driverPool = new InheritableThreadLocal<>();
- (you can call it whatever you want other than driverPool, it's kinda convention)
- InheritableThreadLocal will store the object per thread instead of globally
- It has 2 methods we care about
will return the current object (WebDriver
) in this thread , returnnull
if does not existset( Object )
will set the current object (WebDriver
) for this thread- optionally
will remove the object from current thread , same asset( null )
- For
method- create new
instance if we don't already have one so it will be as below - if
thendriverPool.set( new ChromeDriver())
and so on
- create new
- For
method- close the browser if if we already have browser
- if
- if
- remove the
instance after closingdriverPool.set(null)
; does the same
- close the browser if if we already have browser
- instead of
Add it in between the line and
<!-- <testFailureIgnore>true</testFailureIgnore> -->
package com.demo.utilities;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;
import java.time.Duration;
public class Driver {
//create a private constructor to remove access to this object
private Driver(){}
We make the WebDriver private, because we want to close access from outside the class.
We are making it static, because we will use it in a static method.
//private static WebDriver driver; // default value = null
private static InheritableThreadLocal<WebDriver> driverPool = new InheritableThreadLocal<>();
Create a re-usable utility method which will return the same driver instance once we call it.
- If an instance doesn't exist, it will create first, and then it will always return same instance.
public static WebDriver getDriver(){
if(driverPool.get() == null){
We will read our browserType from configuration.properties file.
This way, we can control which browser is opened from outside our code.
String browserType = ConfigurationReader.getProperty("browser");
Depending on the browserType returned from the configuration.properties
switch statement will determine the "case", and open the matching browser.
switch (browserType){
case "chrome":
driverPool.set(new ChromeDriver());
case "firefox":
driverPool.set(new FirefoxDriver());
return driverPool.get();
Create a new Driver.closeDriver(); it will use .quit() method to quit browsers, and then set the driver value back to null.
public static void closeDriver(){
if (driverPool.get()!=null){
This line will terminate the currently existing driver completely. It will not exist going forward.
We assign the value back to "null" so that my "singleton" can create a newer one if needed.
Running maven command line command directly from IntelliJ without local installation.
From the top right corner second icon , Run Anything
Option :
mvn clean
mvn test
mvn clean test
mvn clean test -Dcucumber.filter.tags=@TagYouWantToRun
- This will give us option to provide the tag without changing TestRunner