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RWAX Tokens
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hiveben committed Jan 13, 2025
1 parent 4529a8c commit 2053481
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Showing 3 changed files with 72 additions and 33 deletions.
13 changes: 6 additions & 7 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -535,18 +535,15 @@ def update_rwax_assets():
'INSERT INTO rwax_assets '
'SELECT asset_id, t.collection, schema, template_id '
'FROM rwax_templates t '
'INNER JOIN assets a USING (template_id) '
' SELECT asset_id FROM rwax_assets WHERE asset_id = a.asset_id'
'SELECT asset_id, a.collection, schema, template_id '
'FROM assets a WHERE (collection, schema) IN (SELECT collection, schema FROM rwax_tokens2) '
'AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT asset_id FROM rwax_assets WHERE asset_id = a.asset_id)'

'DELETE FROM rwax_assets '
'WHERE asset_id IN (SELECT asset_id FROM rwax_assets ra LEFT JOIN assets a USING (asset_id) '
'WHERE a.template_id NOT IN (SELECT template_id FROM rwax_templates WHERE template_id = a.template_id))'
'WHERE a.schema NOT IN (SELECT schma FROM rwax_tokens2 WHERE template_id = a.template_id))'

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1217,6 +1214,8 @@ def parse_action(session, action):
elif account == 'rwax':
if name == 'createtoken':
funcs.load_create_token(session, action)
elif name == 'createtoken2':
funcs.load_create_token2(session, action)
elif name == 'logtokenize':
funcs.load_log_tokenize(session, action)
elif name == 'redeem':
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46 changes: 46 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4897,6 +4897,52 @@ def load_remint_mirror(session, mint):

def load_create_token2(session, token):
data = _get_data(token)
new_token = load_transaction_basics(token)
new_token['authorized_account'] = data['authorized_account']
new_token['collection'] = data['collection_name']
new_token['symbol'] = data['maximum_supply'].split(' ')[1]
new_token['maximum_supply'] = float(data['maximum_supply'].split(' ')[0])
new_token['decimals'] = len(data['maximum_supply'].split(' ')[0].split('.')[1])
new_token['contract'] = data['contract']
new_token['max_assets_to_tokenize'] = data['max_assets_to_tokenize']

new_token['trait_factors'] = json.dumps(data['trait_factors'])
new_token['token_name'] = data['token_name']
new_token['token_logo'] = data['token_logo']
new_token['token_logo_lg'] = data['token_logo_lg']

if 'templates' in data:
new_token['template_id'] = data['templates'][0]['template_id']
'INSERT INTO rwax_tokens ('
' collection, schema, symbol, contract, decimals, maximum_supply, trait_factors, '
' token_name, token_logo, token_logo_lg, timestamp, seq, block_num'
') '
'SELECT :collection, (SELECT schema FROM templates WHERE template_id = :template_id), :symbol, :contract, '
':decimals, :maximum_supply, :trait_factors, :token_name, :token_logo, :token_logo_lg, '
':timestamp, :seq, :block_num '
'WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT seq FROM rwax_tokens WHERE seq = :seq)',
new_token['schema_name'] = data['schema_name']
'INSERT INTO rwax_tokens ('
' collection, schema_name, symbol, contract, decimals, maximum_supply, trait_factors, '
' token_name, token_logo, token_logo_lg, timestamp, seq, block_num'
') '
'SELECT :collection, :schema_name, :symbol, :contract, :decimals, :maximum_supply, '
':trait_factors, :token_name, :token_logo, :token_logo_lg, :timestamp, :seq, :block_num '
'WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT seq FROM rwax_tokens WHERE seq = :seq)',

def load_create_token(session, token):
data = _get_data(token)
Expand Down
46 changes: 20 additions & 26 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -129,16 +129,15 @@ def _get_assets_object():
'\'template_immutable_data\',, \'num_burned\', tm.num_burned, \'avg_wax_price\', ts.avg_wax_price, '
'\'avg_usd_price\', ts.avg_usd_price, \'last_sold_wax\', ts.last_sold_wax, \'last_sold_usd\', ts.last_sold_usd,'
'\'last_sold_listing_id\', last_sold_listing_id, \'last_sold_timestamp\', ts.last_sold_timestamp, '
'\'owner\', a.owner, \'burned\', burned, \'floor_price\', fp.floor_price, \'rwax_symbol\', r.symbol, '
'\'rwax_contract\', r.contract, \'rwax_max_assets\', r.max_assets, \'trait_factors\', rt.trait_factors, '
'\'templates_supply\', rt.templates_supply, \'rwax_supply\', rt.maximum_supply, '
'\'rwax_decimals\', rt.decimals, \'rwax_token_name\', rt.token_name, \'rwax_token_logo\', rt.token_logo, '
'\'rwax_token_logo_lg\', rt.token_logo_lg, \'volume_wax\', ts.volume_wax, \'volume_usd\', ts.volume_usd, '
'\'num_sales\', ts.num_sales, \'num_minted\', tm.num_minted, \'favorited\', f.user_name IS NOT NULL, '
'\'template_id\', t.template_id, \'image\', img.image, \'video\',, \'mint\',, '
'\'mint_timestamp\', a.timestamp, \'mint_block_num\', a.block_num, \'mint_seq\', a.seq, '
'\'rarity_score\', p.rarity_score, \'num_traits\', p.num_traits, \'rank\', p.rank, \'burnable\', a.burnable, '
'\'transferable\', a.transferable, \'rwax_amount\', rtt.amount, '
'\'owner\', a.owner, \'burned\', burned, \'floor_price\', fp.floor_price, \'rwax_symbol\', rt.symbol, '
'\'rwax_contract\', rt.contract, \'rwax_max_assets\', rt.max_assets, \'trait_factors\', rt.trait_factors, '
'\'templates_supply\', rt.maximum_supply, \'rwax_decimals\', rt.decimals, \'rwax_token_name\', rt.token_name, '
'\'rwax_token_logo\', rt.token_logo, \'rwax_token_logo_lg\', rt.token_logo_lg, \'volume_wax\', ts.volume_wax, '
'\'volume_usd\', ts.volume_usd, \'num_sales\', ts.num_sales, \'num_minted\', tm.num_minted, '
'\'favorited\', f.user_name IS NOT NULL, \'template_id\', t.template_id, \'image\', img.image, '
'\'video\',, \'mint\',, \'mint_timestamp\', a.timestamp, \'mint_block_num\', a.block_num, '
'\'mint_seq\', a.seq, \'rarity_score\', p.rarity_score, \'num_traits\', p.num_traits, \'rank\', p.rank, '
'\'burnable\', a.burnable, \'transferable\', a.transferable, \'rwax_amount\', rtt.amount, '
'\'traits\', {attributes_obj})) AS assets '.format(
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -391,8 +390,7 @@ def _format_template(template):
'tokenLogoLarge': template['rwax_token_logo_lg'],
'templateMaxAssets': template['rwax_max_assets'],
'traitFactors': template['trait_factors'],
'templatesSupply': template['templates_supply'],
'totalSupply': template['rwax_supply']
'templatesSupply': template['templates_supply']
if template['video']:
template_obj['video'] = template['video']
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -476,8 +474,7 @@ def _format_asset(asset):
'templateMaxAssets': asset['rwax_max_assets'],
'redeemAmount': asset['rwax_amount'],
'traitFactors': _format_object(asset['trait_factors']),
'templatesSupply': _format_object(asset['templates_supply']),
'totalSupply': asset['rwax_supply']
'templatesSupply': _format_object(asset['templates_supply'])
if asset['video']:
asset_obj['video'] = asset['video']
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1126,7 +1123,7 @@ def templates(
if search_type == 'rwax':
search_clause += (
' AND ra.template_id IS NOT NULL '
' AND rt.schema IS NOT NULL '

if verified == 'verified':
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1201,8 +1198,7 @@ def templates(
'FROM {source_clause} '
'LEFT JOIN collections col ON a.collection = col.collection '
'LEFT JOIN pfp_schemas p USING(schema) '
'LEFT JOIN rwax_templates ra USING(template_id) '
'LEFT JOIN rwax_tokens rt ON (ra.contract = rt.contract AND ra.symbol = rt.symbol) '
'LEFT JOIN rwax_tokens2 rt ON (a.collection = rt.collection AND a.schema = rt.schema) '
'LEFT JOIN template_stats_mv ts USING(template_id) '
'LEFT JOIN templates_minted_mv tm USING(template_id) '
'LEFT JOIN template_floor_prices_mv fp USING(template_id) '
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1339,8 +1335,8 @@ def assets(
'ts.volume_usd, ts.num_sales, tm.num_minted AS num_minted, img.image,, '
' AS display_name, a.collection, ci.image as collection_image, a.timestamp AS mint_timestamp, '
'a.block_num AS mint_block_num, a.seq AS mint_seq, p.rarity_score, p.num_traits, p.rank, '
'r.symbol AS rwax_symbol, r.contract AS rwax_contract, r.max_assets AS rwax_max_assets, rt.trait_factors, '
'rt.templates_supply, rt.maximum_supply AS rwax_supply, rt.decimals AS rwax_decimals, '
'rt.symbol AS rwax_symbol, rt.contract AS rwax_contract, r.max_assets AS rwax_max_assets, '
'rt.trait_factors, rt.templates_supply, rt.maximum_supply AS rwax_supply, rt.decimals AS rwax_decimals, '
'rt.token_name AS rwax_token_name, rt.token_logo AS rwax_token_logo, a.transferable, a.burnable, '
'rt.token_logo_lg AS rwax_token_logo_lg, rtt.amount AS rwax_amount, '
'{badges_object}, {tags_obj}, {attributes_obj} AS traits, {listings_obj} AS listings'.format(
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1521,8 +1517,7 @@ def assets(
'LEFT JOIN collections col ON a.collection = col.collection '
'LEFT JOIN pfp_assets p ON (a.asset_id = p.asset_id) '
'LEFT JOIN rwax_assets ra ON (a.asset_id = ra.asset_id) '
'LEFT JOIN rwax_templates r ON (a.template_id = r.template_id) '
'LEFT JOIN rwax_tokens rt ON (r.contract = rt.contract AND r.symbol = rt.symbol) '
'LEFT JOIN rwax_tokens2 rt ON (a.collection = rt.collection AND a.schema = rt.schema) '
'LEFT JOIN rwax_redeemables rtt ON (a.asset_id = rtt.asset_id) '
'LEFT JOIN names n ON (a.name_id = n.name_id) '
'LEFT JOIN names tn ON (t.name_id = tn.name_id) '
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1665,7 +1660,7 @@ def listings(
'LEFT JOIN assets a ON (a.asset_id = asset_ids[1]) '
'LEFT JOIN pfp_assets p USING(asset_id) '
'LEFT JOIN rwax_assets ra USING (asset_id) '
'LEFT JOIN rwax_templates rt ON (a.template_id = rt.template_id) '
'LEFT JOIN rwax_tokens rt ON (a.collection = rt.collection AND a.schema = rt.collection) '
'LEFT JOIN rwax_redeemables rtt USING (asset_id) '
'LEFT JOIN backed_assets ba USING (asset_id) '
Expand All @@ -1687,9 +1682,8 @@ def listings(
'LEFT JOIN assets a ON (a.asset_id = ANY(asset_ids)) '
'LEFT JOIN pfp_assets p USING (asset_id) '
'LEFT JOIN rwax_assets ra USING (asset_id) '
'LEFT JOIN backed_assets ba USING (asset_id) '
'LEFT JOIN rwax_templates r ON (a.template_id = r.template_id) '
'LEFT JOIN rwax_tokens rt ON (r.contract = rt.contract AND r.symbol = rt.symbol) '
'LEFT JOIN backed_assets ba USING (asset_id) '
'LEFT JOIN rwax_tokens2 rt ON (a.collection = rt.collection AND a.schema = rt.schema) '
'LEFT JOIN rwax_redeemables rtt ON (a.asset_id = rtt.asset_id) '
'LEFT JOIN collections col ON (col.collection = l.collection) '
'LEFT JOIN templates t ON (t.template_id = a.template_id) '
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1815,7 +1809,7 @@ def listings(
'{join_clause} '
'LEFT JOIN pfp_assets p ON (a.asset_id = p.asset_id) '
'LEFT JOIN rwax_assets ra ON (a.asset_id = ra.asset_id) '
'LEFT JOIN rwax_templates rt ON (a.template_id = rt.template_id) '
'LEFT JOIN rwax_tokens2 rt ON (a.collection = rt.collection AND a.schema = rt.schema) '
'LEFT JOIN rwax_redeemables rtt ON (a.asset_id = rtt.asset_id) '
'LEFT JOIN backed_assets ba ON (a.asset_id = ba.asset_id) '
'LEFT JOIN collections col ON (col.collection = l.collection) '
Expand Down

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