Operating System
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (GNU/Linux 5.15.0-116-generic x86_64) -
Software Dependencies
- Node.js and Dependencies
VM: ~/web > node --version
VM: ~/web > cat package.json
"dependencies": {
"body-parser": "^2.0.0",
"cookie-parser": "^1.4.7",
"crypto-js": "^4.2.0",
"express": "^4.21.2",
"fs": "^0.0.1-security",
"multer": "^1.4.5-lts.1",
"mysql2": "^3.11.5",
"node-fetch": "^2.7.0",
"nodemailer": "^6.9.16",
"pdfkit": "^0.8.0"
- C++ Compiler Version and Standard
# C++ compiler version and standard
VM: ~/web > g++ --version
g++ (Ubuntu 11.2.0-19ubuntu1) 11.2.0
VM: ~/web > g++ -dM -E -x c++ /dev/null | grep __cplusplus
#define __cplusplus 201703L # C++17
- Database Version
# MySQL Database
VM: ~/web > mysql --version
mysql Ver 8.0.39-0ubuntu0.22.04.1 for Linux on x86_64 ((Ubuntu))
- Other Tools
(no specific version, download from cpp-httplib repository)utfcpp
Run the installation script to configure the environment. Note that the script’s robustness may be limited.
sudo bash init.sh