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HL7 AU FHIR Test Data Utilities

This repository contains source code for command line utilities used to generate the FHIR JSON files and upload them to a FHIR Server. These tools are closely related to au-fhir-test-data, a repository designed for the maintenance of a small example data set To demonstrate the functionality of the HL 7 AU standards.

There are three tools in this repository:

  • Csv2FhirMapping expands comma separated value files into JSON FHIR resources.
  • TestDataClient uploads the values to a server
  • xls-converter converter adjusts some content of excel fields according to yields

State of the code:

Did you find an error?

We appreciate your contributions to improving au-fhir-test-data. If you encounter any bugs or defects, please follow the steps below to report them:

1. Search for Existing Issues

Before submitting a new issue, please search the GitHub Issues list to check if your issue has already been reported. If you find an existing issue, you can add your comments or additional information to it.

2. Open a New Issue

If you do not find a similar issue, you can open a new one. Click on the New Issue button and provide the following details:

Title: A brief and descriptive title for the issue.
Description: A detailed description of the issue, including:
1. Steps to reproduce the issue.
2. Expected and actual behaviour.
3. Screenshots or another related information (if applicable).


If you have a question, the best place to start is Zulip e.g. the topic

How to Contribute to HL7 AU Test Data Utils

We value contributions to au-fhir-test-data-utils. Here’s how you can help:

Working on Csv2FhirMapping or TestDataClient


The following steps are for Windows. However, none of the dependencies are native, so with a little bit of understanding of the shell, you should be able to use Unix-flavors (Mac, Linux, ...) as well.

  1. Install .Net SDK 8.
  2. (Optional) Install VSCode.


  1. Open a Command Prompt cmd (advice)
  2. Type BuildCsvFhirMapping.bat or BuildTestDataClient.bat. This will execute a batch file that builds.

Editing and Debugging

  1. Open IDE.
  2. Change into the respective subdirectory.
  3. Become Peter Parker.

Communicating Intent

  • Open a GitHub issue to discuss your plans to help avoid duplication of effort, align and prioritise your contributions based on the scope of the project - refer to the HL7 AU Test Data Project Scope Statement.
  • Join the fortnightly HL7 AU Infrastructure and Tooling Community Meetings (register here) where we discuss and triage issues. Feel free to add your issue to the meeting agenda and we'll aim to discuss your issue/ proposed contribution when you are present at the meeting.
  • Use Zulip to connect with the team and community asynchronously:

Contributing Code

  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Create a branch and use the GitHub issue number followed by a meaningful description as the branch name for your test data contribution, sticking to lowercase and hyphens to separate words. For example, the following is a branch for GitHub issue #123 for adding resources with logical references: 123-logical-refs
  3. Make your contributions/ changes.
  4. Submit a pull request (PR) for review.
  5. Once the PR has been reviewed and feedback addressed collaboratively, it will be merged into the main branch.