A stupid python arsonc wrapper to debug dta node numbers
This script is meant to be used in conjunction with arsonc to provide a easy to read node id identification for given node numbers, to help with debugging debug enabled Harmonix games.
When a Harmonix debug build crashes, a stack
trace is given, including line numbers meant to match
up with node numbers in dtb.
Previously, the only available tool to check these correct node numbers was GH2 dtb editor, a heavily antiquated tool by today's standards.
aims to make finding these node numbers a more pleasant experience with arsonc
has its own new decompile flag that will print node id's in the output dta, matchstack
simply makes this a bit more legible and simple.
automatically copies the input dta to a tmp folder, use arsonc
to compile to dtb, then decompiled the dtb back to dta, with node id information.
The processed output of the dta is printed to console with syntax highlighting and contextual script around the searched id.
Compile or download the latest action build of arson
arson version must be greater than
if on Windows, place
usage: matchstack.py [-h] input_file target_id
Note, arsonc labels node's one off from the correct node id
The script accounts for this in seek, but does not change ID's arsonc generates, so the node labels may seem off by 1 until this is fixed.
- Disclaimer, this script was written by AI, this readme was not.