- Greatest Common Divisor
- Prime Factors
- Fibonacci
- Factorial
- Fuzz Buzz
- Roman Converter
- Unique Sorted Array
- Array Enumeration
- Bowling Game
- Berlin Clock
- Range
- Stack
Kick start a kata from command below:
git clone https://github.com/holi-java/katas --single-branch --branch init
TDD gives us:
- Get more feedback if I make the steps as small as I can.
- I have safety net by tests when I refactoring.
Critical things in TDD:
- test path - different test path tends to different results,see different from katas Unique Sorted Array & Unique Sorted Array2,if I choose test path correctly then my work stably,otherwise I could lost myself.
- feedback - short feedback is critical too,they can give you most of things if you think the right things,e.g:misunderstanding,design decisions,otherwise it's waste your time.