Kotlin library for parsing Google Location History (Timeline) data.
Google has discontinued location data export, now the location data is device local. If you want to parse location data from device, use kgeo-device-timeline parser.

Open the project in IntelliJ IDEA, and run the sample/src/main/kotlin/Main.kt
ℹ️ Note: Read instructions in the
on where to add the unzipped Google Location History data.
Here is a sample output from running the app with Google Location History data.
Sample app for Google Location History Parser project.
🟢 Got records: 3,103,992 records.
🟢 Got semantic location history data:
2018=[APRIL: 276, AUGUST: 294, DECEMBER: 412, FEBRUARY: 257, JANUARY: 249, JULY: 259, JUNE: 305, MARCH: 287, MAY: 291, NOVEMBER: 250, OCTOBER: 283, SEPTEMBER: 328]
2019=[APRIL: 155, AUGUST: 359, DECEMBER: 254, FEBRUARY: 205, JANUARY: 309, JULY: 313, JUNE: 302, MARCH: 226, MAY: 203, NOVEMBER: 329, OCTOBER: 355, SEPTEMBER: 260]
2020=[APRIL: 48, AUGUST: 166, DECEMBER: 82, FEBRUARY: 244, JANUARY: 475, JULY: 107, JUNE: 90, MARCH: 191, MAY: 66, NOVEMBER: 91, OCTOBER: 172, SEPTEMBER: 148]
🟢 Got timeline edits: 195,444 items edited.
Due to domain model class's nullability rule, you may see Required value 'metadata' missing at $xyz
This error is due to the field being missing in the JSON data. To fix this, you can update the model class and build the project again. Feel free to open pull-request with fixes.
📖 https://hossain-khan.github.io/kgeo-timeline/
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