Implementation of an array based grid which facilitates easy creation of grid based games and applications using Pygame.
pip install git+
To create a 10x10 grid of 30x30 pixel cells:
from grid import Grid
grid = Grid(10, 10, 30, 30)
Setting a cell is as easy as filling in character in the 2D array.
from gridworld import Grid, draw_character_cell, TOP
grid[0, 0] = 'A'
grid = Grid(3, 3, 90, 90, title='Tic Tac Toe', margin=1)
grid[0, 0] = 'O'
grid[1, 1] = 'X'
grid[2, 1] = 'O'
grid[2, 2] = 'X'
![Tic Tac Toe](images/tictactoe.png =250x250)
The first four parameters are positional and thus obligatory.
width, height, cellwidth and cellheight.
The rest are optional:
margin = 0 # Margin width between cells in pixels\
title = '' # Window title
itemcolor=DARKGRAY # Color of the characters in the cells
cellcolor=LIGHTGRAY # Background color of the cells
margincolor=DARKGRAY # Color of the margins between the cells
itemfont=None # Font used for the characters in the cells. Default is the system font.
framerate=60 # Maximum frame rate (see Pygame documentation)
statusbar_position = NONE # Extra space next to the cells. TOP, LEFT, BOTTOM or RIGHT.
statusbar_size = 0 # Size of the extra space in pixels
full_screen = False # Whether to start in full screen mode
By default the grid shows the characters that you set in the cells. Lik this:
grid showing literal characters
You can however overwrite this default behaviour like this
# draw_character_cell is provided by gridword to substitute another character
grid.set_drawaction('>', partial(draw_character_cell, character='→'))
# But you can als implement your own drawing functions
grid.set_drawaction('O', draw_boulder)
grid.set_drawaction('!', draw_bomb)
grid.set_drawaction('*', draw_money)
Such a drawing function gets grid and cell_dimensions as parameters.
def draw_boulder(grid, cell_dimensions):
# Background
pygame.draw.rect(grid.screen, GREY, cell_dimensions)
# Circle
x, y, w, h = cell_dimensions
pygame.gfxdraw.filled_circle(grid.screen, x + w/2, y + h/2, w*4/5, BROWN)
characters replaced by drawings
To interact with the grid you have four methods you can overload
# Pass a function that expects a key core
# Function will be called when a key is pressed.
# Parameter key is the Pygame key code.
# Pass a function that expects (x,y) coo tuple which is the position (in pixels) of the click
# Function will be called whenever the window receives a mouse click
# Pass a function that expects (x,y) tuple which is the cell clicked
# Function will be called whenever the window receives a mouse click
# Pass a function that expects parameters
# Function will be called once every frame.
grid.set_update_statusbar_action( my_update_statusbar)
# Pass a function that expects no parameters
# Function will be called whenever the screen is redrawn.
# Gives you the possibility to update the contents of the statusbar
For example, here's an implementation of responding to cursor keys or quitting whenever 'q' is pressed.
def my_key_action(key):
if key == pygame.K_q:
moves = {pygame.K_LEFT: (-1, 0), pygame.K_RIGHT: (1, 0), pygame.K_UP: (0, -1), pygame.K_DOWN: (0, 1)}
movement = moves.get(key)
if movement:
GridWorld has two parameters that control how the screen is updated:
When set to True (default) the whole screen is updated (pygame.flip) with each update.
When set to False for only the effected area is redrawn. This is faster when updating a single cell. When updating multiple cells at once a full flip is usually faster.
When set to True (default) the screen is updated every time a value in the grid is changed.,
You might want to turn this off (temporarily) e.g. when loading a level.