Package to make working with days and ranges of days in Python super easy.
The package contains two classes:
Day handles everything you want to do with days.
Period handles a range of Day objects.
Current version: 1.9.2
python -m pip install justdays
day = Day() # No arguments, initalize with the current day
day = Day('2022-08-16') # One argument, string in YYYY-MM-DD format
day = Day(2022, 32) # Two arguments: year, week. Day with be the Monday of that week
day = Day(2022, 8, 16) # Three arguments: year, month, day.
day = Day(datetime(2022, 8, 16)) # Initialize with Python datetime object
day = Day(date(2022, 8, 16)) # Initialize with Python date object
d = day.d # int
m = day.m # int
y = day.y # int
as_string = day.str # in YYYY-MM-DD format
str(day) # Returns the day in YYYY-MM-DD format
day.as_datetime() # Returns the day as a Python datetime object
day.as_date() # Returns the day as a Python date object
day.strftime(format_string) # Returns the day as a string formatted according to the format string
day.as_unix_timestamp() # Returns the day as a unix timestamp (int) # Next day
day + 1 # Next day
1 + day # Next day
day.previous() # Previous day
day - 1 # Previous day
day.next_weekday() # Next day that is on a weekday
day.previous_weekday() # Previous day that is on a weekday
day.plus_days(3) # Add 3 days to the day
day + 3
day.plus_days(-3) # Subtract 3 days from the day
day.plus_weeks(1) # Add 1 week to the day
day.plus_months(1) # Add 1 month to the day
day1 = Day('2022-08-16')
day2 = Day('2022-08-20')
day2 > day1 # Returns True if day2 is after day1
day2 == day1 # Returns True if day2 is the same day as day1
days_difference = day2 - day1 # Returns the difference in days between two days (4)
day.is_weekend() # Returns True if the day is a weekend
day.is_weekday() # Returns True if the day is a weekday
day.day_of_week() # Returns the day of the week as an integer (0 = Monday, 6 = Sunday)
day.day_of_year() # Returns the day of the year as an integer (1 = 1st of January, 365 = 31st of December in a non leap year)
day.fraction_of_the_year_past() # Returns the fraction of the year that has passed (0.0 = 1st of January, 1.0 = 31st of December)
day.week_number() # Returns the week number of the year (1 = first week of the year, 52 = last week of the year)
day.last_monday() # Returns the last day that was a Monday or the day itself if it is a Monday
day.last_day_of_month() # Returns the last day of the month of the day
day + ' is a nice day' # Add string to a day
'The date is ' + day # Add string to a day
Period is just a day range. Either fromday or untilday can be left to None
period = Period(day1, day2) # Period ranging from day1 (included) until day2 (not included)
period = Period(day1) # One argument: fromday. Untilday is left open
period = Period('2022-08-16', '2022-08-20') # Period can be initialized with strings in YYYY-MM-DD format
period = Period.from_week(2022, 32) # Period ranging from the Monday of week 32 until the Sunday of week 32
period = Period.from_month(2022, 8) # Period ranging from the 1st of August until the 31st of August
fromday = period.fromday
untilday = period.untilday
length = len(period) # Returns maximum integer value for open-ended periods
for day in period:
if day in period:
overlap = period1 & period2 # Calculate overlap between two periods
union = period1 | period2 # Calculate union of two periods
if period1.intersects(period2):
print("Periods overlap")
if period.is_empty():
print("Period has no duration")
if period: # Truthy operator, returns True if period is not empty
print("Period is not empty")
shifted_period = period.shift(7) # Move period 7 days forward
split_periods = period.split(30) # Split period into 30-day chunks