PyTorch implementation of A Unified Multi-Task Semantic Communication System for Multimodal Data
This repository is built upon BEiT and MAE, thanks very much!
We would gradually upload the full-version of the implementation.
- implement the designed benchmark: task-oriented semantic communication works (T-DeepSC) for the considered tasks, including image(cls/recons), text(cls/recons) under analog transmission.
- implement the designed benchmark: TDeepSC for VQA and MSA under analog transmission.
- implement the digital transmission: vector quantization (VQ) and uniform scalar quantization (SQ).
- implement the 16QAM and QPSK modulations.
- dataset preparation
- the basic version of the unified semantic communication (U-DeepSC).
- the code for dynamic overhead.
- visualization of the results.
- The instructions are given in, use "bash" to execute the script.
- All instructions are given in