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Andre H edited this page Aug 25, 2021 · 21 revisions

Welcome to the ESPEASYFLASHER_2.0 wiki!


What is the ESPEasyFlasher_2.0 (EEF)

The EEF is a simple cross software GUI for the esptool to flash ESP8266 & ESP32 microcontroller from Espressif. The EEF itself is also implemented in python like the esptool and is using tkinter as GUI framework. Tkinter is a standard library of python, so if you want using the ESPEasyFlasher_2.0 you have only install the python package esptool with:

pip install –upgrade esptool

After the installation of the package you can start the ESPEasyFlasher in python with the following command:




If you have to use python or python3 depends on your python installation. With the command:

python --version

you can check the python version, ESPEasyFlasher required Python 3.

Features of EEF

Try it!

It is very simple, what you need is an ESP8266 or ESP32. Download the zip file for you specific platform. Unzip the file an start the executable. For more details have a look to the wiki page Executable example The zip files contains 2 examples for an ESP8266 and the same 2 example for an ESP32

  1. Blinking LED on ESP board
  2. jQuery Web Interface to switch on/off the LED on the ESP board