domquery is a lightweight implementation in golang for querying and searching through HTML-DOMs. Based on CSS selectors it gives the opportunity to get data and values from queried elements.
domquery is heavely based on golangs html package for searching and parsing through HTML in form of HTML Tokens. Elements returned from the lib are objects of type html.Token (golangs html package) or tokenutil.Chain (
To use the library, first import the main package into your code
package main
import (
// ...
Then by creating a new query object it is possible to iterate through the loaded HTML
package main
import (
// ...
func main() {
// making a request to some website
resp, err := http.Get("")
// request successful
if err == nil {
// Instantiating a new query object
q := new(domquery.Query)
// Loading the HTML into the query
// Searching through HTML with CSS-selectors
result := q.Find("{class}gb1")
all := result.All()
// Printing results
for _, tokenChain := range all {
// Closing the request
defer resp.Body.Close()