Key Features • How To Use • Download • Credits • License
- Get Categories - Get a list of categories from Worpress site
- Get Tags - Get a list of tags from Worpress site
- Publish HTML content, including:
- Featured Image
- Category
- Status: publish, draft, pending, etc
- all images are uploaded to wordpress and the image URL is replaced by the Wordpress URL
- You can include Youtube videos in the content
- You can include Tweets in the content
- Wordpress URL Validator
- Wordpress credentials (user and application password) validator
- Easily handle errors
# Clone this repository
$ git clone
# install libraries
$ composer update
# or install using composer
$ composer require hstanleycrow/easyphptowordpress
# define credentials
# You need a Wordpress application password
#This examples are using [DotEnv]( to configure the credentials, but you can setup it as you want.
$wpSiteURL = $_ENV["WP_SITE_URL"];
$wpUsername = $_ENV["WP_USERNAME"];
$wpApplicationPassword = $_ENV["WP_APPLICATION_PASSWORD"];
# configure in your PHP script the timezone to the Wordpress timezone. This is important.
# create an object
$obj = new WordpressAPI($wpSiteURL, $wpUsername, $wpApplicationPassword);
#Example to validate the URL
if ($obj->validateURL()) :
echo "URL resolve 200";
else :
echo $obj->errorMessage();
#Example how to get Wordpress Categories list
echo "<pre>";
if ($categories = $obj->categories()) :
else :
echo $obj->errorMessage();
echo "</pre>";
#Example how to get Wordpress Tags list
echo "<pre>";
if ($tags = $obj->tags()) :
else :
echo $obj->errorMessage();
echo "</pre>";
#Example how to validate credentials
echo "<pre>";
if ($obj->validateCredentials()) :
echo "Valid Credentials" . PHP_EOL;
else :
echo "Credentials not valid" . PHP_EOL;
echo $obj->errorMessage() . PHP_EOL;
echo "</pre>";
#Example to publish into WP
$content = <<<HTML
<p><b> Hey</b> this is some text for the blog post</p>
<h2><a id="user-content-documentation" class="anchor" href="#user-content-documentation" rel="nofollow noindex noopener external ugc"></a>Documentation</h2>
<p>The documentation for this library is hosted at <a href="" rel="nofollow noindex noopener external ugc"></a></p>
<p><img src="" alt="Sagitarius dwarf galaxy" title="Sagitarius" >
<h2>Youtube Video</h2>
<h2>Tweet Thread</h2>
<p><img src="//" alt="HR 8799 planet orbits" title="HR 8799 planet orbits">
<p><img src=""></p>
<p><img src="" alt="SVG Image">
$featureImagePath = "";
$categories = [58];
echo "<pre>";
if ($url = $obj->publishPost(
"Title of the post",
)) :
echo $url . PHP_EOL;
if ($obj->hasImagesErrors()) :
else :
#echo "Credentials not valid" . PHP_EOL;
echo $obj->errorMessage() . PHP_EOL;
echo "</pre>";
- For now, you can't add tags to the post but it is considered for future versions.
You can download the latest version here.
I have tested this class only in this PHP versions. So, if you have an older version and do not work, let me know.
PHP Version |
PHP 8.0 |
PHP 8.1 |
PHP 8.2 |
This software uses the following open source packages:
MIT · GitHub @hstanleycrow · Twitter @harold_crow