Library Management uses JavaFx and PostgreSQL
@author:Tran Huy Tu
@school:Hanoi University of Sience And Technology
The book library system is designed to meet the following functional requirements:
Allows readers to search for books by book type, book title, author, language, etc. on the workstation.
Provides librarians with information about books that readers are borrowing and books that they are still borrowing.
Monthly statistics on the number of books borrowed by subject, author, ...
The library's book management application uses JavaFx and PostgresSQL, and managers can add, remove, and remove imported books from the repository. The application can notify users who are overdue and pay fines by level.
Sticking points:
This application helps managers more conveniently control and stat the number of books. The application runs on the desktop app platform, so you can use it without the internet.