Playground from DEV to OPS
It is a learning playground from writing software to deploy software in production. I want to implement a CI/CD pipeline where every commit will get deployed in production if tests are green. Also i want to play around with tools like github actions, kubernetes, etc.
First download the doctl tool and login with it:
doctl auth init
Then a file should be generated: ~/.config/doctl/config.yaml
This file is used by terraform to authenticate with Digital Ocean.
A kubeconfig is written to terraform/kubernetes
First you need to start a mongodb:
docker run --rm --name mycv-mongodb -p 27017:27017 -e MONGODB_USERNAME=mycv -e MONGODB_PASSWORD=mycv -e MONGODB_DATABASE=mycv bitnami/mongodb:latest
Start the application in dev mode:
mvn compile quarkus:dev
Happy coding :-)