This version will be recognized by "go list -m -json gobot.io/x/gobot@v2.0.0+incompatible" but creates an error by usage:
invalid version: module contains a go.mod file, so module path must match major version ("gobot.io/x/gobot/v2")
- bugfix
- I2C connection-bus caching and multiple device usage
- raspi pwm cache
- new pwm behaviour of tinkerboard
- jetson nano pwm feature
- examples and gopigo3 driver
- i2c.ReadBlockData(), Read_Data() in digispark and some small other fixes
- L3GD20H full scale range usage
- TH02 wrong register usage for read heater
- MPU6050 wrong initialize and reduced temperature resolution
- I2C driver typo: change HMC8553L to HMC5883L
- HMC5883L driver returns wrong values
- ads1x15 driver not working stable when reading multiple inputs
- Adafruit1109 driver shows bad characters after Halt()
- spi.SpiConnection is not gobot.Connection: missing method Connect
- Stopping and Starting Robot with Raspberry Pi Adapter and LED Driver - LED does not toggle on restart
- ble
- update to TinyGo Bluetooth package v0.6.0 release
- build
- core
- use base driver for all I2C devices
- rename package "sysfs" to "system"
- go.mod to 1.17 and all modules incl. code upgrades
- dji tello
- Halt does not terminate all the related goroutines and may wait forever when it is called multiple times
- docs
- README for gpio, pwm, i2c and add example
- document fields for flight data
- drivers
- ADXL345 use ReadBlockData()
- CCS811 use ReadBlockData()
- bmxy8z use ReadBlockData
- CCS811 use ReadBlockData()
- BMP180, BMP280 BMP388 BME280 use ReadBlockData()
- MPL115A2 use ReadBlockData(), WriteByteData()
- add generic i2c driver
- add PCF8583 i2c driver
- add PCA9501 i2c driver
- add PCA953x i2c driver
- introduce I2cBusAdaptor for composition in platforms
- introduce generic i2c.Driver with example for digispark fix missing/wrong entries in README stabilize test
- add advanced digital pin options (pull, bias, drive, debounce, event)
- add support for new character device Kernel ABI for GPIO
- analog sensor driver to prevent ReadValue() to get float64
- add read firmware version and DHT sensors for grovepi
- SPI using GPIO's plus driver for MFRC522
- jetson nano
- add Jetson Nano adpator
- joystick
- nanopi neo
- add platform
- piblaster
- add unused but missing interface implementation
- radxa rock pi 4(c+)
- add platform (#902)
- test
- increase some timings to make tests a little less fragile
- skip test TestNatsAdaptorFailedConnect when flaky
- stabilize "every"-test
- stabilize flaky utils_test
- stabilize firmata tests
- fix tests with sysfs mocks, ReadBlockData, WriteBlockData
- fix keyboard tests and exclude opencv
- fix PWM related read/write tests
- add check for examples in Makefile
- some interfaces moved, see folder system and adaptor.go