A lightweight transcript editor for editing and correcting machine generated transcripts.
Super Lightweight ❄️ Lightning Fast ⚡ Accessible 💑 Installable 💻 Portable 📱
Export your transcript as text, interactive transcript, captions and subtitles.
Demo (now with localStorage and installable as a Progressive Web App)
Edit in the usual way – add punctuation, create and merge paragraphs etc. Place speaker names in square brackets ie [Maria]. It's recommended that in order to maintain word timings you don't paste large blocks of text. Double-click on words to set the playhead at that point.
We score very highly on Google Chrome's Lighthouse audit tool
Created as a Progressive Web App, you can install on your desktop or mobile home screen.
Hyperaudio Lite Editor
's source code is provided under a triple license model.
If you are creating an open source application under a license compatible with the GNU Affero GPL license v3, you may use Hyperaudio Lite Editor
for free under the terms of the AGPL-3.0. This is the deafult license for Hyperaudio Lite Editor
If you are a non-commerical / not-for-profit entity or organisation and wish to to use this software for non-commercial please contact mark@hyperaud.io to use Hyperaudio Lite Editor
for free under the terms of the MIT License
If you'd like to use Hyperaudio Lite Editor
to develop commercial sites, tools, and applications, the Commercial License is the appropriate license. With this option, your source code is kept proprietary. To enquire about a Hyperaudio Lite Editor
Commercial License please contact mark@hyperaud.io.
Please support The Hyperaudio Project by donating to our Patreon account.