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asa1997 edited this page Feb 5, 2021 · 2 revisions
Title KOBVON - Verifiable Organizations Network for the city of Kochi
Status TBD


  • KOBVON is the Verifiable Organizations Network for the city of Kochi.
  • It is a series of ecosystems, each operated by a jurisdiction and each consisting of an instance of OrgBook and a set of VON issuer/verifier agents.​
  • Each ecosystem consists of an OrgBook in the middle and around it, a number of services that access the OrgBook to get verified claims and issue verifiable credentials to OrgBook.​

Additional Information

This VON will consist of organizations/association registerd to the KOB. These registered entities will be from the city of Kochi. All the other services offerd by the KOB wil reside on top of the KOBVON.

Learning Objectives

The participants learn how to build an Verifiable Organizations Network for a paritcular jurisdiction.

Expected Outcome

The network should contian the registered entities in a particular jurisdiction. It should help in establishing a better way to find, issue, store and share trustworthy data about organizations.

Skill Required

Git, GitHub, Python, Hyperledger Indy, Indy-node, Indy-SDK.

Reference Project

GitHub Repo for BCGOV's VON

Website for VON


Link to repo