Static server for s3 files.
$ s3server -h
Server to index & view files from s3 bucket.
Version: v0.2.3
Build: e5a60e2
-bucket string
bucket path from which to serve files
-cert string
path to ssl certificate
-interval string
interval to generate new index.html's at (default "5m")
-key string
path to ssl key
-p string
port for server to run on (default "8080")
-provider string
cloud provider (ex. s3, gcs) (default "s3")
-s3key string
s3 access key
-s3region string
aws region for the bucket (default "us-west-2")
-s3secret string
s3 access secret
-v print version and exit (shorthand)
print version and exit
run with the docker image
# On AWS S3
$ docker run -d \
--restart always \
-p 8080:8080 \
--name s3server \
--tmpfs /tmp \
${ECR_REGISTRY_URL}/${ECR_REPO}:${VERSION} -bucket s3://hugthief/gifs -s3Region ap-southeast-1