Bringing students together all across campus
The CU Student Hub is made to provide students in any Cornell University course, regardless of the size of that class, the opportunity to talk to their peers. Too often, people in the same course rarely talk to or not even recognize each other, so to strengthen the Cornell community, we present a Student Hub where any student, any course can participate. With this app, students can select any course in the current semester, and then join in one of ten chat rooms for that course. From there onward, the students are open to discuss or speak to anyone else in that chatroom. They could talk about their course experiences, current assignments, or anything outside of that.
Addressing the Requirements: IOS:
- Both Snapkit and NSLayoutConstraint are used and can work together to design the interface of the app.
- Both UICollectionViews and UITableViews are used. UICollectionViews are used when displaying the collection of locations for a user to choose, and UITableViews are often used in the list of courses available to add.
- We used a UINavigationController to transition from one screen to another. This also allows to move back and forth to different parts of the app easily and smoothly.
- Designed an API that holds information about information of all users, such as the favorite locations and their posts. These information are partly linked to their net-ids, which are unique for each Cornell student.
- The API is deployed onto Google Cloud.