This repository has been archived and is no longer actively maintained or updated. It is provided here for historical reference and may contain outdated or unsupported code. Users are encouraged to fork or adapt the contents as needed, but please note that no further updates, bug fixes, or security patches will be applied by the original maintainers.
Interact with bee-api through OpenAI Python SDK
⚠️ COMPATIBILITY DISCLAIMER⚠️ The bee-api is designed to overlap with OpenAI API to a degree that is sufficitent for most use-cases, however some types and operations are not 100% compatible, see the section on OpenAI Compatibility below. The examples provided in this repository are regularly tested to be working, however we will never guarantee full compatibility with OpenAI. Please create an issue if you stumbled upon non-compatible behavior that is blocking you.
We are using purely OpenAI SDK, so the only required package is openai
pip install openai
Make sure to have the following environment variables configured, see example.env:
# This is required to prevent some pydantic serialization errors
import os
from openai import OpenAI
# Instantiate OpenAI client with Bee credentials from env
client = OpenAI(base_url=f'{os.getenv("BEE_API")}/v1', api_key=os.getenv("BEE_API_KEY"))
# Create assistant
assistant = client.beta.assistants.create(
model="meta-llama/llama-3-1-70b-instruct", tools=[{"type": "code_interpreter"}]
# Create a thread with user message
question = "What is the unicode character U+1F41D? Create a haiku about it."
thread = client.beta.threads.create(messages=[{"role": "user", "content": question}])
# Create a run and wait for completion
run = client.beta.threads.runs.create_and_poll(thread_id=thread.id, assistant_id=assistant.id)
assert run.status == "completed"
# List messages and get an answer
messages = client.beta.threads.messages.list(thread_id=thread.id)
print("Answer:", messages.data[0].content[0].text.value)
If you want to run the examples in this repository, install all dependencies using poetry.
# Install dependencies
poetry install
Set up a local bee-stack
git clone git@github.com:i-am-bee/bee-stack.git
cd bee-stack
./bee-stack.sh setup
Create a correct .env
# Create .env file
cp example.env .env
# Insert your API key
open .env
Run examples through poetry
poetry run python -m examples.basic_usage
Here are the important differences from the official OpenAI SDK.
from openai import OpenAI
client: OpenAI = ...
# OpenAI
# Assistants
client.beta.threads.runs.stream # early stage event compatibility
## Not supported:
# client.beta.vector_stores.file_batches
# Files
Extensions can be called using the low-level OpenAI client methods (get, post, put, delete). See the definition of a custom tool in examples/custom_tool.py as an example.
from openai import OpenAI, BaseModel
client: OpenAI = ...
# Tools
client.get('/tools', cast_to=BaseModel) # list tools
client.post('/tools', cast_to=BaseModel) # create tool
client.post('/tools/:tool_id', cast_to=BaseModel) # update tool
client.delete('/tools/:tool_id', cast_to=BaseModel) # delete tool
# Observe
client.get('/threads/:thread_id/runs/:run_id/trace') # Get trace ID for a run
Observe API module is designed to provide full trace of everything that happened during a run.
You can obtain the trace using a special /observe
endpoint, here is a brief example, for full code
see examples/download_trace.py:
import os
from openai import OpenAI, BaseModel
# Normal bee client
bee_client = OpenAI(base_url=f'{os.getenv("BEE_API")}/v1', api_key=os.getenv("BEE_API_KEY"))
thread = ...
run = ...
trace_info = bee_client.get(f"/threads/{thread.id}/runs/{run.id}/trace", cast_to=BaseModel)
# (!) Note different base_url
observe_client = OpenAI(base_url=f'{os.getenv("BEE_API")}/observe', api_key=os.getenv("BEE_API_KEY"))
# Get trace
params = {"include_tree": True, "include_mlflow": True}
trace = observe_client.get(f"/trace/{trace_info.id}", options={"params": params}, cast_to=BaseModel)
Use the official OpenAI documentation with caution (see caveats below), here are links to the relevant topics:
- streaming events are not fully compatible yet, the "With streaming" portions of OpenAI documentation will not work as expected (for example in file search)
- some features are not implemented:
- vector store file batches -
- adding message attachment to
without previously embedding the file in a thread vector store, see examples/vector_store.py - ... and more
- vector store file batches -
- some type unions are extended so the data returned does not match the original openai models:
- you may see pydantic warningns during serialization, you can avoid this by using
when dumping a model, for exampleassistant.model_dump(warnings="none")
- you must set the
environment variable before all imports, if you see an error similar to 'MockValSer' object cannot be converted to 'SchemaSerializer', you are probably missing this configuration
- you may see pydantic warningns during serialization, you can avoid this by using
This is an open-source project and we ❤️ contributions.
If you'd like to contribute to Bee, please take a look at our contribution guidelines.