This project involves analysis and tuning of model parameters for time series prediction tasks.
The required dataset for this project can be obtained from the following link
A brief overview of the data is provided below, along with its seasonal decomposition for a period of 7.
To set up the environment, please use the provided environment.yml file. Please, replace 'NAME' and 'YOUR_PREFIX' with your specific information.
Activate your conda environment. Navigate to the lib directory. Execute the 'assembling' script with conditions suitable for your data. Refer to the following script help guide:
usage: [-h] --windows WINDOWS [WINDOWS ...] --out_vals OUT_VALS [OUT_VALS ...] [--conv] [--shuffle]
Parser for training model
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--windows WINDOWS [WINDOWS ...]
List of integers for windows
--out_vals OUT_VALS [OUT_VALS ...]
List of integers for out_vals
--conv Boolean flag for conv
--shuffle Boolean flag for shuffle
To use the script with all the options, you might do something like this:
python --windows 10 20 30 --out_vals 1 2 3 --conv --shuffle
This script allows modification of window length, output lengths, and the option to add a convolution layer to the network. You can also choose to shuffle your data during training.
The script is designed to create a model for each specified condition, train it for 100 epochs, select the optimal epoch and produce a submission file. Afterwards, it will identify the best model based on validation accuracy.
The model architecture is depicted in the image below:
As you can observe, the data is divided into windows of a chosen length (100 in the example), which the model can either feed directly to LSTM or apply four 1D convolutions with dilations [1,7,31,50], concatenate them, reduce the dimension to initial sizes, and then pass to LSTM.
During the experiment, models were trained with the following parameters:
- window_length: [10,30,100,300,1000]
- output_length: [10,30,100,300,1000]
- Apply convolution layer before LSTM: [True, False]
- Shuffle data during training: [True, False]
The results are visually represented in the images below. Blue dots correspond to instances where the convolution layer was utilized, while black dots represent the non-convolution cases. The following is an example featuring non-shuffled data:
An example for shuffled data is provided below::
The optimal results were achieved with the following parameters:
window length: 1000
output values: 10
convolution: True
Shuffle: False
The best results were achieved at the 83rd epoch out of 100, with a validation loss of 0.0029.