This Rust project implements a block tracer to detect reinitialized Ethereum contracts using reth's Trace API and database. It traces Ethereum blocks to find contracts that have been self-destructed and later reinitialized to the same address. The detected reinitialized addresses are stored in a JSON file.
- Rust and Cargo installed
- Reth node running with required APIs
- Environment variables configured for the database and RPC URLs
- The reth node is fully synchronized and running with the required APIs enabled.
- The environment variables
are correctly set.
Ensure you have Rust and Cargo installed.
Ensure you have a running reth node with the required APIs enabled. You can start the node with the following command:
RUST_LOG=info reth node \ --datadir /mnt/mydata/reth-data-dir \ --authrpc.addr \ --authrpc.jwtsecret /mnt/mydata/secrets/jwt.hex \ --authrpc.port 8551 \ --metrics \ --http \ --http.api "eth,web3,trace,rpc,debug"
- Clone the repository
- Set up the environment variables in a .env file:
- Run the project by providing start_block_number and end_block_number
cargo run <start_block_number> <end_block_number>
The output will be saved in a file named reinitialized_contracts.json in the current directory, containing the list of reinitialized contract addresses.
The code is divided into several parts:
- RPC Response Structs and Trace Block Function: This part defines the structure of the RPC response and the trace_block function that traces a block for self-destruct and create actions.
- This is the entry point of the program. It does the following:
- Spawns multiple asynchronous tasks to trace blocks in parallel using tokio::spawn.
- Collects self-destructed and created addresses from the traced blocks.
- Processes these addresses to detect reinitialized contracts.
- Also query, PlainAccountState table to get the contract status if the reinitialization doesn't occur in start end range
- Writes the detected reinitialized contracts to a JSON file.
The following optimizations are implemented for better performance:
- Parallel processing using tokio::spawn to trace multiple blocks concurrently.
- Semaphore to limit the number of concurrent open file descriptors.
- Chunking the self-destructed addresses for parallel processing during database access.
- The program expects a start block and end block for tracing
- The program is capable to give contract status if the contract is currently alive and is reinitialized later than end block.
- Parallel processing on db access have a little effect on performance because of small size of self destructed accounts
- Tracing blocks via rpc accounts for 90% of the program time.