The project is a basic showcase of a full-stack JavaScript application, enriched with multiple technologies, frameworks & concepts:
- Docker
- Node.js
- Express
- PostgresSql
- Redis
- Sessions
- Authorization
- Authentication
- React
- Serverless
- Amazon Web Service
- Artificial-intelligence
- ...
The aim of the application is to detect faces in user provided images. A user can register via the web-app (CLIENT), login and provide urls to images via its created user profile. Provided images are handed over with API calls to the backend application (SERVER). On the server a third party Artificial-intelligence-API is called and its responses are processed as well as some data are stored via the backend application (DATABASE). The results are finally handed over to the client application and visually displayed inside the analyzed image. Finally serverless functionalty evaluates the user score.
- Backend: smart-mind-api-docker
- Frontend: smart-mind-app-react
- Serverless part: smart-mind-rankly-lambda
- Additional Serverless feature: smart-mind-smart-mind-avatar-s3-lambda
Check out the source code of this project from the Git repository smart-mind
Install Docker on the local PC
Start Docker on the local PC
Navigate to the project directory
Navigate to backend directory
Get an API key from ClarifAI and provide the api key to the backend application via file:
filename: api-keys.js
filecontent: const apiKeys = { ai: { name: "clarifai", key: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" } }; module.exports = apiKeys;
Build and run the backend via terminal
docker-compose up --build
The backend applicaltion starts on localhost:3000; a test user is already set up within your database -> email: / password: test
Navigate to frontent directory
Install npm libraries
npm install
Build and run the frontend via terminal
npm run start-dev
The backend applicaltion starts on localhost:3001; a test user is already set up within your application -> email: / password: test
Login or register and start face detection on provides images
Close the backend application via terminal
docker-compose down
Close the frontend application via terminal