Over the past few years, as a bioinformatician, I've developed a profound passion for the convergence of mathematics, biology, and artificial intelligence. My research has centered on the applications of convex optimization in metabolic network analysis. With a focus on Systems biology, I've applied my expertise in linear algebra and convex optimization to create algorithms for analyzing High-throughput data. Through this work, I've gained valuable insights into how computational methods can explain the functioning of complex biological systems. I remain deeply committed to continually expanding my skill set and exploring emerging areas of interest as they emerge.
- General: Optimization, Systems Biology, Numerical Computing, Parallel Processing, Data Science
- Programming Languages: Julia, Python, Java
- Framework: JuMP, Convex, Spring, OpenMP, CUDA
- Database: Oracle, MySQL
- Familiar: C, C++, R, Matlab
- Tools: Jupyter, LaTeX, Git, Trello, Notion, Zotero