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INAV is a Free and Open Source Flight Controller and Autopilot Software System that is actively developed with large releases annually, and support releases as needed. INAV has two primary components, the firmware that runs on the flight controller board, and the GUI configuration tool that runs on your computer (Linux, MacOS, and Windows are supported). Some INAV features include:
Support for a large variety and quantity of inexpensive flight controller (FC) boards and sensors. Many FC's are built specifically for INAV with board layouts intended for easy connection of motors, sensors, servos, etc. intended for use in RC vehicles.
Support for a wide variety of flying vehicles including airplanes, gliders, multi-rotors, quadcopters, etc. as well as ground vehicles (cars, tanks) and water vehicles (boats).
Support for Auto Navigation Modes such as RTH (return to home), position hold, waypoints, "follow-me", and many more.
Support for video transmission & receive systems for FPV (first person view) with On-Screen Display (OSD) of telemetry data.
Use of flight controller (FC) boards based on those below.
Processor Speed Flash STM-F405 168Mhz 1Mb STM-F722 216Mhz 512k STM-F745 216Mhz 1Mb STM-F765 216Mhz 2Mb STM-H743 480Mhz 2Mb AT-F435 288Mhz 1Mb
General support for STM-F411 processors finished in 7.1.2. All other chips listed will support current and future releases of INAV. (flash memory dependent)
- Go to the INAV Welcome Page for a longer list of features.
Check out our Hardware-Design-Guidelines if you want to design your own flight controller to run INAV.
- The right sidebar lists Wiki Pages and DevDocs grouped under Topic Headings.
- Search using Github Wiki Search which applies a wikis filter to github search. Unfortunately, the wiki is no longer indexed by the major search engines.
- See the sidebar to the right and look at the wiki pages under INTRODUCTION and QUICK START GUIDES
- When buying a flight controller board, INAV support is usually listed in the product's description.
- To connect and configure INAV on a flight controller, use the INAV Configurator.
- If you have experience with BetaFlight, see the wiki page INAV for BetaFlight users to get started.
- See our YouTube video guides for some of the many great tutorials on YouTube. YouTube has hundreds and hundreds of great guides on all features of INAV.
- Find and Join an INAV user group on your social media platform of choice. INAV users are happy to help get you started.
Since INAV 4.0.0, the SemVer system has been used for deciding when the different parts of the version number changes. This system makes it easy to see which versions of INAV are compatible. The version number is made up of 3 sections, separated by dots. These are major.minor.patch.
So with INAV 7.1.2:
- 7 is the major version number
- 1 is the minor version number
- 2 is the patch version number
Both the firmware and Configurator follow the same versioning scheme. The major version numbers match.
Major version numbers are increased when a change is made that breaks backwards compatibility. This does not have to be a big change or new feature. It can be something as simple as adding a new symbol on the OSD (due to the font update) or changing or removing a CLI parameter. When the major version number is increased, the minor and patch version numbers are reset to 0.
Minor version numbers are increased when a a feature is added or updated that does not break backwards compatibility. This can be complete new features, even new CLI parameters. When the minor version number is increased, the patch version number is reset to 0.
Patch version numbers are increased when the release contains only bug fixes or new targets.
With INAV you must match the major version number of the firmware and Configurator. This has been the case for a long time. Even pre-SemVer. In fact, before SemVer you had to match the major and minor version numbers. Now, it is recommended to use the latest version of Configurator that has the same major version number of your firmware. For example with firmware 7.0.0 it is recommended to use Configurator 7.1.2.
INAV Version Release Notes
8.0.0 Release Notes
7.1.0 Release Notes
7.0.0 Release Notes
6.0.0 Release Notes
5.1 Release notes
5.0.0 Release Notes
4.1.0 Release Notes
4.0.0 Release Notes
3.0.0 Release Notes
2.6.0 Release Notes
2.5.1 Release notes
2.5.0 Release Notes
2.4.0 Release Notes
2.3.0 Release Notes
2.2.1 Release Notes
2.2.0 Release Notes
2.1.0 Release Notes
2.0.0 Release Notes
1.9.1 Release notes
1.9.0 Release notes
1.8.0 Release notes
1.7.3 Release notes
Older Release Notes
Getting started with iNav
Fixed Wing Guide
Howto: CC3D flight controller, minimOSD , telemetry and GPS for fixed wing
Howto: CC3D flight controller, minimOSD, GPS and LTM telemetry for fixed wing
INAV for BetaFlight users
launch mode
Multirotor guide
YouTube video guides
DevDocs Getting Started.md
DevDocs INAV_Fixed_Wing_Setup_Guide.pdf
DevDocs Safety.md
Connecting to INAV
Bluetooth setup to configure your flight controller
DevDocs Wireless Connections (BLE, TCP and UDP).md\
Flashing and Upgrading
Boards, Targets and PWM allocations
Upgrading from an older version of INAV to the current version
DevDocs Installation.md
DevDocs USB Flashing.md
Setup Tab
Live 3D Graphic & Pre-Arming Checks
Calibration Tab
Accelerometer, Compass, & Optic Flow Calibration
Alignment Tool Tab
Adjust mount angle of FC & Compass
Ports Tab
Map Devices to UART Serial Ports
Receiver Tab
Set protocol and channel mapping
DevDocs ESC and servo outputs.md
DevDocs Servo.md
Navigation modes
Navigation Mode: Return to Home
FW Launch Mode
DevDocs Controls.md
DevDocs INAV_Modes.pdf
DevDocs Navigation.md
DevDocs Failsafe.md
PID Tuning
PID Attenuation and scaling
Fixed Wing Tuning for INAV 3.0
Tune INAV PIFF controller for fixedwing
DevDocs Autotune - fixedwing.md
DevDocs INAV PID Controller.md
DevDocs INAV_Wing_Tuning_Masterclass.pdf
DevDocs PID tuning.md
DevDocs Profiles.md
OSD and VTx
DevDocs Betaflight 4.3 compatible OSD.md
OSD custom messages
OSD Hud and ESP32 radars
DevDocs OSD.md
DevDocs VTx.md
LED Strip
DevDocs LedStrip.md
Advanced Tuning
DevDocs Programming Framework.md
DevDocs Inflight Adjustments.md
Mission Control
iNavFlight Missions
DevDocs Safehomes.md
Tethered Logging
Log when FC is connected via USB
DevDocs Blackbox.md
INAV blackbox variables
DevDocs USB_Mass_Storage_(MSC)_mode.md
iNav CLI variables
DevDocs Cli.md
DevDocs Settings.md
DevDocs MixerProfile.md
DevDocs VTOL.md
"Something" is disabled Reasons
Pixel OSD FAQs
Why do I have limited servo throw in my airplane
AAT Automatic Antenna Tracker
Building custom firmware
Default values for different type of aircrafts
Features safe to add and remove to fit your needs.
Developer info
INAV MSP frames changelog
INAV Remote Management, Control and Telemetry
Lightweight Telemetry (LTM)
Making a new Virtualbox to make your own INAV
MSP Navigation Messages
Rate Dynamics
Target and Sensor support
UAV Interconnect Bus
Ublox 3.01 firmware and Galileo
DevDocs 1wire.md
DevDocs ADSB.md
DevDocs Battery.md
DevDocs Buzzer.md
DevDocs Channel forwarding.md
DevDocs Display.md
DevDocs Fixed Wing Landing.md
DevDocs GPS_fix_estimation.md
DevDocs LED pin PWM.md
DevDocs Lights.md
DevDocs OSD Joystick.md
DevDocs Servo Gimbal.md
DevDocs Temperature sensors.md
Supported boards
DevDocs Boards.md
Legacy Mixers
Legacy target ChebuzzF3
Legacy target Colibri RACE
Legacy target Motolab
Legacy target Omnibus F3
Legacy target Paris Air Hero 32
Legacy target Paris Air Hero 32 F3
Legacy target Sparky
Legacy target SPRacingF3
Legacy target SPRacingF3EVO
Legacy target SPRacingF3EVO_1SS
DevDocs Configuration.md
Request form new PRESET
DevDocs Introduction.md
Welcome to INAV, useful links and products
iNav Telemetry
DevDocs Rangefinder.md
DevDocs Rssi.md
DevDocs Runcam device.md
DevDocs Serial.md
DevDocs Telemetry.md
DevDocs Rx.md
DevDocs Spektrum bind.md