E-learning platform that brings together passionate instructors and curious learners from all around the world. With an extensive library of high-quality courses, ranging from programming and design to business and personal development.
E-learning platform that brings together passionate instructors and curious learners from all around the world. With an extensive library of high-quality courses, ranging from programming and design to business and personal development.
- Student Interface
- Instructor Dashboard Interface
- User Module
- Register and Login
- Login via Facebook, Google, and Linkedin
- Verify Phone Number
- Verify Email Address
- Forget, Reset, and Change Password
- Course Module
- Lectures Module
- Resources Up-loader
- Certificates
- Fully Customized Configuration
- New Claim alert on email and notifications
- Certificate Checker
- Exam Module
- Fully Customized
- Question Answers
- Open Answer
- Single Choice
- Multiple Choices
- Exam Results
- Translation Module
- CURD in database
- Generating translation JSON files
- Payment Module
- Stripe Integration
- Paypal Integration
- Instructor Payout via Paypal
- Payment History
- Payment Log
- Built-in Real-time Chat System
- Notifications System
git clone https://github.com/iSemary/cursus-meester
composer i
php artisan migrate
php artisan module:migrate
php artisan passport:install
php artisan serve
cd resources/js
npm install
npx next dev
sass resources/js/public/assets/css/style.scss:resources/js/public/assets/css/style.css
sass resources/js/public/assets/css/panel.scss:resources/js/public/assets/css/panel.css
cd websocket
npm install
node server.js
Simplify your deployment process by utilizing GitHub Actions for automatic deployment on pushing to the master branch. Set up your secrets variables in the repository:
All you have to do is to add your secrets variables into your repository:
Generated access key for github to grant the privileges to write and read your server files
2- VPS_HOST: for example 123.456.789
3- VPS_USERNAME: for example ubuntu
4- PROJECT_DIRECTORY: for example /var/www/
[Front End Side]
cd resources
npm run build
npm start
[Back End Side]
php artisan serve
php artisan app:backup
For any inquiries or support, please email me at abdelrahmansamirmostafa@gmail.com or visit my website at abdelrahman.online.