Wall Haven Wallpaper Search is a responsive wallpaper website that allows you to search for high‑quality wallpapers using the Pixabay API. The site features a dynamic masonry grid layout, infinite scrolling, smooth animations, and the ability to download and save your favorite wallpapers locally.
Wallpaper Search:
Search for wallpapers by keyword using the Pixabay API. -
Infinite Scrolling:
Automatically loads more wallpapers as you scroll down the page. -
Masonry Grid Layout:
Displays images in a visually appealing, Pinterest‑style layout. -
Image Download:
Download wallpapers with a custom file name format. -
Save your favorite wallpapers to localStorage and view them on a dedicated Favorites page. -
Smooth Animations:
Powered by GSAP for animated transitions and effects. -
Typewriter Effect:
A dynamic typewriter animation for the search bar placeholder.
- Pixabay API Keys
- GSAP for animations
- ScrollToPlugin for smooth scrolling
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/iam-sahil/wall_haven
Change directory
cd wall_haven
Change directory
cd js
Create the file pixabaykeys.js
export const apiKeys = [ 'key-1', 'key-2', ]; let currentKeyIndex = 0; export function getNextApiKey() { const key = apiKeys[currentKeyIndex]; currentKeyIndex = (currentKeyIndex + 1) % apiKeys.length; return key; }
Simply run index.html in a browser