Script which displays the current Slack Status via API as Scriptable Widget.
This is the missing widget for all power users of slack.
1.5 Update Notes (29.11.2024)
- Added update widget for lock- & homescreen
- Improved 'No Connection' widget
- Improved UI of the medium sized widget
- Small code improvements (module & script)
Older Updates
1.41 Update Notes (30.10.2024)
- Fixes a bug that triggers an error after changing the API content
1.4 Update Notes (29.10.2024)
- Parts of the script have been moved to a module for performance improvements
- General script improvements
1.3 Update Notes (28.05.2024)
- Added rectangular lockscreen widget, styled like the medium one
- Some services have been renamed by slack in the front- & backend
- Some services have been also been added
- The large widget has been adapted accordingly
- Removed widget selection at the in-app dialogue - Now only the 'Web-Dashboard' is displayed
1.2.1 Update Notes (19.07.2022)
- Fixed a problem where the widget displays an error when an open update is pending. Now it should work correctly again.
1.2 Update Notes (16.07.2022)
- Added push notifications for slack status [Beta]
- Improved the error/bad-connection widget
- Improved/thinned out some parts of the script - saved 70 lines of code
1.1 Update Notes (24.05.2022)
- Added selfupdate function1
- Script thinned out in various places
By running the scirpt In App it will present the online dashboard of the current slack status
If the script does not receive a response from the Slack API, it will be displayed in the widget.
It also shows if there is an script update available.
const getStatusNotifications = true //Set to false if you dont wanna get notifications!
const refreshInt = 60 //in minutes
iCloud Drive/
├─ Scriptable/
│ ├─ slack-status-widget/
│ │ ├─ slackIcon.png
│ │ ├─ sadSlackBot-badConnection.png
│ │ ├─ ok.png
│ │ ├─ incident.png
│ │ ├─ notice.png
│ │ ├─ outage.png
│ │ ├─ maintenance.png