globalThis === global;
-> Nodejs passes multiple parameters in IIFE and module.exports is one of them
- Resolution of the Module
- Load the module
- file contents is loaded according to the file type
- Compile
- Wrap inside IIFE
- Evaluation i.e passing params
Modules are protected by default and it is use to protect their variables and functions from leaking
- Donot use the sync method it will going to block the Main thread instead use the async method thease task send to LIBUV
- Timer queue uses min heap tree
- Code
- Parsing
- Lexical Analysis [Tokenization]
- Code token
- Syntax Analysis [Parsing]
- AST(Abstract Syntax tree) Website Example when code doesnot generate the AST then it throws the error like syntax error
- Lexical Analysis [Tokenization]
- Ignition Interpreter
- Convert the code into the byte code
- Execution
- Turbofan compiler (get HOT code from interpreter)
- Optimise machine code
- Execution
- Optimise machine code
- Convert the code into the byte code
Perfrom in cyclic manner
- Timer [setTimeOut, setInterval]
- Poll [I/O Callbacks like fs, crypto,http]
- Check [setImmediate]
- Close [socket.on("close")]
But before all the above phase
run for each and every phase and both have highest priority -
When nothing to perform in the Event Loop then it wait in the
Poll Phase
and then continue from the poll phase itself
- By default there are 4 threads in the pool but user can able to change the size of the pool by using the variable
- Is Nodejs is single threaded or multithreaded ?
- It depends on the task user is doing. If the user is performing synchronous tasks then nodejs is single threaded and the task is asynchronous then nodejs is multithreaded
- thread pool is created by using Libuv and it is used when
or any kind ofuser specified input
then it is using thread pool Thread per connection
is not an good idea (creatting a thread for each connection)
There are events occur in the kernel level which notify's to the libuv to perform the task, thats why it called event driven architecture
- Program in running state is called process
- In nodejs Thread is swpan(start) by the
it it best to use thread instead of process it ti light weighted it take memory from the process and it is faster than running theprocess
- we can create thread by using
If you are using express and create routes using app.use() then the scquence of the routes are matters like
app.use("/", (req, res) => {
res.send("You are doing something which actually very great!");
app.use("/test", (req, res) => {
res.send("Your test");
- Above code give me same
You are doing something which actually very great!
for every routes
app.use("/test", (req, res) => {
res.send("Your test");
app.use("/", (req, res) => {
res.send("You are doing something which actually very great!");
- but this code give me exact output as we expect
(req, res, next) => {
// res.send("Main Dashboard");
(req, res, next) => {
res.send("Main Dashboard");
we can use regular expressions as well while declaring the routes for example ?, +, *, ()
e.g : /ab?c
--> /abc & /ac
; /ab+c
--> /abbbbbbbbbbbbbbc
any no of b ; /ab*c
// kind of wildcard match
res.status(500).send("Something went wrong!!");
below every routes
When we pass anything in the body we cannot directly readt the data because it in json formate for that use app.use(express.json())
above all request so that it can be use for all the request
NEVER TRUST req.body Always Put Checks to Sanitize the data don't put blindly anything into the DB
Any other data in the body which is apart from the defined
model/ schema will not be added in your DB
You can create hash using bcrypt.hash(password, 10);
to compare if the password is matching or not use the
function which return Boolean value and it return promises i.e, user.password);
To get the cookie use the package called cookie-parser
, its like middleware which parses the cookies
To create Token use jsonwebtoken
. Tokenn can be created using jwt.sign()
and jwt.verify()
which verify the user is authentic or not
- work exactly similar as app= express()
new Connection.findOne({
Just like Schema validation, to add the middleware in the schema you can also use the SCHEMA.pre
Node : whenerver you writing the schema method always use the normal functions avoid using arrow functions
- if you make the unique = true it will automatically create indexing in the DB or for manually you can use index = true
If you perform the operation on 2 or more than 2 fields then use the index compundingly
Connection.index({fromUserId: , toUserId:1}) // its in accending order to make it decending use -1 instead on 1
When you are refering the DB by making the connection using ref: DBNAME
in the Schema then use the .populate("BY_WHICH_FIELD",["WHATEVER_FIELDS_YOU_WANTED])
to implement the Pagination logic in using MongoDB it is much easier by using .skip()
method and .limit()
const { Worker } = require("worker_thread");
new Worker("./worker.js");
- when the process is started then the process having atleast one default thread called Main thread at the time of stating
- Node.js is mainly single-threaded, running JavaScript on a single thread with an event loop, ideal for I/O-bound tasks. However, it can be multi-threaded using libuv's thread pool for background tasks and the worker_threads module for parallel execution, allowing it to handle CPU-intensive tasks while keeping the main event loop single-threaded.
we can create new environment variable by using export VAR_NAME = VALUE
it will run and saved in env by running this program but to read the value from the env use process.env
and assign in another variable
- To Execute any command in Nodejs we have to use
const { exec } = require("child_process");
- It is synchronous in nature
module.exports === exports; // true
nodejs uses iife to wrap the whole function
(function (exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname) {
// Your module code here
})(exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname);
you can even write "use strict" inside the function as well
- we can create custom functions to replace the require function but using require functionđź« .
- Internally nodejs uses cpp code to require and the files but we can use required function for demonstration purposes
If you use common js then only the Localscope
can be created if you use Es6 Module then instead of local scope the module scope is created
is whole one property which return whole new object and it is accessible only when using Es6 Module
in the latest version of nodejs or from 20 you can see multiple properties but before that if you use import.meta then you only get url
property inside the import.meta but after 20 you can see multiple properties like filename
resolve ` property and you can also add your own properties customized properties
give the directory from where the code is running- process.cwd() give the current working directory
Common js
- Load file Synchronously
- cjs import are hoisted
- we cannot use
keyword without using async function we have to wrap it first using IIFE if needed(top level await is not allowed) - Only one value can be exported
- File Extension is optional(if we give full path the we can load any file using cjs)
- value of
keyword is equal to/ points to the module.exports property - we can get file name using __filename
- strict mode is not enabled by default
ES6 modules
- Load file Asynchronous
- mjs import are hoisted
- we can use
keyword without using async function(top level await is allowed) - Multiple value can be exported
- File Extension is mandatory( only js and mjs files are allowed)
- set type= module inside the package.json file to use ES6 modules
- value of
keyword is undefined - we can get file name using import.meta.filename
- strict mode is enabled by default
export default !== module.exports
export !== exports
- Those modules which are present inside the npm_modules are called npm modules
node has its own built-in module which replace the nodemon you can use --watch
node --watch app.js
dev dependencies are the dependencies which where no needed after built the file means in the buit folder it doesn't include as well it is needed for development environment only not for production
- it is for unix OS only
is special kind of function created when using cli packages(Most of the time)
- it seaches for a file and executes it.
- first searches for package.json file in current working directory
- seaches for name key in json file
- after that seaches for bin key
- searches for node_modules/.bin/${YOUR_SEARCHTEXT} file in current working directory and executes
- searches for global npm folder
npm root -g
and executes
- for npx cache
- searches for ${YOUR_SEARCHTEXT} package in npm registory and give prompt to install or not and then download if allowed and executes it if it is executable and if not then give error
import fs from "fs";
import fs from "node:fs";
better to use fs module from node:fs/promises
this is use to return a promise and it is best way to use fs module
and it does not block the main thread, it also help to boost performance
and it is similar syntax as readFileSync
it overrides content with current content
it doesn't overrides content with current content
- You can rename the file using fs.rename method and to move the file you can also use the same method
- It can be denoted by
or in previous version we can also represented by012
- It can be denoted by
- It can be denoted by
If you wanted to debug the nodejs code into the browser use --inspect-brk
flag to and then name of the file
new ArrayBuffer(LENGTH) it is use to create memory buffers
to chnage the vlaue of the buffer we need to use the
new DataView()
and store it in the variable there we have access to get and set the value into the buffer -
Typed Arrays is also used to store data in the ArrayBuffer
In the nodejs we have UInt8Array to create buffer or use the imported Buffer from "buffer"
we can use buffers using 3 mehtods
is much faster thenBuffer.alloc()
. function -
Buffer Pool in Nodejs
When and Where Nodejs is Needed or can be Used
- Whenever ther is file operation and while fetching anything from the api Buffer is used
- High Memory consumption so to use buffer avaoid using big size data
- Buffer use
Behind the scene
- btoa()
await fs.readFile("FILE_NAME", "BASE64");
- atob()
fs.writeFile("FILE_NAME", "BASE64");
- to send anything in the query params we use Base64Url encoding