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Releases: ibm-cloud-security/security-advisor-activity-insights

Activity Insights Diagnostic tools V1.0

19 Feb 12:13
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Run diagnostics to check if there is any connectivity issues with respect to IAM, Activity Tracker or COS from within the pod.

Download the tool based on your machine architecture. We support linux, windows and mac(darwin) (amd64).

Before running any of the command make sure you have targeted your kubectl to the cluster where you deployed the activity insights. If you don't have kubectl you will need kube config file.

Make the tool executable. Assuming you are working on a linux machine

chmod +x ./si-diagnostics-1.0-linux-amd64

Run the diagnostics


If due to some reason you don't have kubectl but you do have kube config

./si-diagnostics-1.0-linux-amd64 --kubeconfig <path to your kube config file>

If you want to check any custom URL connectivity you can pass url paramter

./si-diagnostics-1.0-linux-amd64 -url

You can also capture the pod logs by passing the last n line of logs to capture. Default is last 500 lines

./si-diagnostics-1.0-linux-amd64 -lines 500

Once the diagnostic is complete it will emit a file si-diagnostics.txt in the same directory from where you ran the tool.
Attach this file to the IBM support ticket. Make sure the file doesn't have any API keys etc.
The tool only sends a curl request to each of IBM iam , cos and activity tracker URLs to test the connectivity. So we don't
expect any sensitive information in the txt. The logs which are captured by default ( 500 lines) are also not expected to contain
any sensitive information.