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[DEPRECATED] IBM Cloud Security Advisor API SDK for Go


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IBM Cloud Security Advisor GO SDK

This repository contains the released GO client SDK for IBM Cloud Security Advisor services. Check out our listed below for more details.

Table of Contents


The IBM Cloud Security Advisor GO SDK allows developers to programmatically interact with the ibm cloud security advisor findings and notifications api.

Service Name Package name
Findings Service findingsapiv1
Notifications Service notificationsapiv1


  • An IBM Cloud account.
  • An IAM API key to allow the SDK to access your account. Create one here.
  • Go version 1.12 or above.


The current version of this SDK: v3.0.0

There are a few different ways to download and install the Findings API Go SDK project for use by your Go application:

go get command

Use this command to download and install the SDK to allow your Go application to use it:

go get -u

Go modules

If your application is using Go modules, you can add a suitable import to your Go application, like this:

import (

then run go mod tidy to download and install the new dependency and update your Go application's go.mod file.

dep dependency manager

If your application is using the dep dependency management tool, you can add a dependency to your Gopkg.toml file. Here is an example:

  name = ""
  version = "v3.0.0"

then run dep ensure.


Security Advisor Findings API GO SDK uses token-based Identity and Access Management (IAM) authentication.

IAM authentication uses a service API key to get an access token that is passed with the call. Access tokens are valid for a limited amount of time and must be regenerated.

To provide credentials to the SDK, you supply either an IAM service API key or an access token:

  • Use the API key to have the SDK manage the lifecycle of the access token. The SDK requests an access token, ensures that the access token is valid, and refreshes it if necessary.
  • Use the access token if you want to manage the lifecycle yourself. For details, see Authenticating with IAM tokens.

Supplying the IAM API key:

import (

authenticator := &core.IamAuthenticator{
	ApiKey: apiKey,
	URL:    URL, //Required only if you are targetting Dev/Preprod environment

findingsService, err := findingsapiv1.NewFindingsApiV1(&findingsapiv1.FindingsApiV1Options{
  Authenticator: authenticator, 

Sending request headers

Custom headers can be passed in any request in the form of a map[string]string as:

headers := make(map[string]string)
	headers["Custom-Header"] = "custom_value"

For example, to send a header called Custom-Header to a call in notificationsapiv1, pass the headers parameter as:

import (

authenticator := &core.IamAuthenticator{
	ApiKey: apiKey,
	URL:    URL, //Required only if you are targetting Dev/Preprod environment
service, err := notificationsapiv1.NewNotificationsApiV1(&notificationsapiv1.NotificationsApiV1Options{
  Authenticator: authenticator,

var deleteOptions = service.NewDeleteNotificationChannelOptions(accountID, channelID)

Error Handling

The security-advisor-findings-sdk-go generates an error for any unsuccessful method invocation. If the method receives an error response from an API call to the service, it will generate an error which is sent has the last return value of the function. It also returns a DetailedResponse structure which consists further details about the response.

Error can be handled in the following way.


import (


providerID := "providerID" //Invalid provider id
noteID := "custom-note" //invalid note id

authenticator := &core.IamAuthenticator{
  ApiKey: apiKey,
  URL:    url, //use for dev/preprod env
service, _ := findingsapiv1.NewFindingsApiV1(&findingsapiv1.FindingsApiV1Options{
  Authenticator: authenticator,
  URL:           "", //Specify url or use default

getNotesOptions := service.NewGetNoteOptions(accountID, "providerID", noteID)

result, response, err := service.GetNote(getNotesOptions)

if err != nil {
  fmt.Println(err) //Prints: "Not Found"
  fmt.Println(response.StatusCode) //Prints: 404
  fmt.Println(response.Result) //See Expected Response section below for details

Expected Response for the above case case would be. This is of type map[string]interface {}-

  detail: Document not found: <AccountID>/providers/providerID/notes/custom-note 
  instance: <AccountID>/providers/providerID/notes/custom-note 
  status: 404 
  title: Not Found 
  type: about:blank


import (


channelID := "channel" //invalid channel id

authenticator := &core.IamAuthenticator{
  ApiKey: apiKey,
  URL:    url, //use for dev/preprod env
service, _ := notificationsapiv1.NewNotificationsApiV1(&notificationsapiv1.NotificationsApiV1Options{
  Authenticator: authenticator,
  URL:           "", //Specify url or use default

getChannelOptions := service.NewGetNotificationChannelOptions(accountID, channelID)

result, response, err := service.GetNotificationChannel(getChannelOptions)

if err != nil {
  fmt.Println(err) //Prints: "Internal Server Error"
  fmt.Println(response.StatusCode) //Prints: 500
  fmt.Println(response.Result) //See Expected Response section below for details

Expected Response for the above case case would be. This is of type map[string]interface {}-

  message:Internal Server Error

Sample Code


Example http method
post_graph POST /v1/{account_id}/graph
list_providers GET /v1/{account_id}/providers
create_finding_note POST /v1/{account_id}/providers/{provider_id}/notes
create_card_note POST /v1/{account_id}/providers/{provider_id}/notes
create_note_with_kpi POST /v1/{account_id}/providers/{provider_id}/notes
create_note_with_section POST /v1/{account_id}/providers/{provider_id}/notes
list_provider_notes GET /v1/{account_id}/providers/{provider_id}/notes
get_note GET /v1/{account_id}/providers/{provider_id}/notes
get_occurrence_note GET /v1/{account_id}/providers/{provider_id}/occurrences/{occurrence_id}/note
update_note PUT /v1/{account_id}/providers/{provider_id}/notes/{note_id}
delete_note DELETE /v1/{account_id}/providers/{provider_id}/notes/{note_id}
create_finding_occurrence POST /v1/{account_id}/providers/{provider_id}/occurrences
create_kpi_occurrence POST /v1/{account_id}/providers/{provider_id}/occurrences
update_occurrence PUT /v1/{account_id}/providers/{provider_id}/occurrences/{occurrence_id}
delete_occurrence DELETE /v1/{account_id}/providers/{provider_id}/occurrences/{occurrence_id}
get_occurrence GET /v1/{account_id}/providers/{provider_id}/occurrences/{occurrence_id}
list_note_occurrences GET /v1/{account_id}/providers/{provider_id}/notes/{note_id}/occurrences
list_provider_occurrences GET /v1/{account_id}/providers/{provider_id}/occurrences


Example http method
list_channels GET /v1/{account_id}/notifications/channels
create_channel POST /v1/{account_id}/notifications/channels
bulk_delete_channel DELETE /v1/{account_id}/notifications/channels
delete_channel DELETE /v1/{account_id}/notifications/channels/{channel_id}
get_channel GET /v1/{account_id}/notifications/channels/{channel_id}
update_channel PUT /v1/{account_id}/notifications/channels/{channel_id}
test_connection GET /v1/{account_id}/notifications/channels/{channel_id}/test
get_public_key GET v1/{account_id}/notifications/public_key


Run unit tests:

go test ./...

Get code coverage for each test suite:

go test -coverprofile=unit.out ./...
go tool cover -html=unit.out

Run integration tests:

go test ./... -tags=integration

Get code coverage for each test suite:

go test -coverprofile=integration.out ./... -tags=integration
go tool cover -html=integration.out


The ibm-cloud-security-advisor-sdk-go is released under the Apache 2.0 license. The license's full text can be found in LICENSE.

Open Issues

Currently if go get is used as mode to download the module - GOPATH might face issues related to IBM SDK core module. Advised method is to use go mdoules.


[DEPRECATED] IBM Cloud Security Advisor API SDK for Go




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