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Omni Messaging

An easy to use, consistent sms library for Laravel

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Omni messaging is heavily inspired by the PHP OmniPay Library and is designed to be a simple and consistent interface for sending SMS messages in Laravel.

there are many SMS gateways out there, and they all have their own API's, and they all have their own way of doing things. Omni Messaging is designed to provide a consistent interface for sending SMS messages, regardless of the gateway you are using.

Currently supported gateways are (Many more will be added in the future either by me or the community):

Sms Gateway 1.x Composer Package Maintainer
Jawaly Sms ibrahem-kamal/omni-messaging-jawaly-sms-driver Ibrahem Kamal


You can install the package via composer:

composer require ibrahem-kamal/omni-messaging

You can publish and run the migrations with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="omni-messaging-migrations"

You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="omni-messaging-config"

This is the contents of the published config file:

return [
     * Channels should be added in the following format:
     * 'channels' => [
     *     'channel_name' => [
     *        'driver' => 'driver_name',
     *       'options' => []
     *    ]
     * ]
    'channels' => [],
    'webhook' => [
        'queue' => 'default',


  • Sending Sms
$sms = OmniMessaging::driver('jawaly')->send($message,$mobileNumber,$sender,$options = []);
    $sms->isSuccess(); //bool
    $sms->getErrorsString(); // errors as string
    $sms->getErrors(); // errors as array
    $sms->getData(); // array of data returned from the gateway
    $sms->toArray(); // array of all the above
  • Retrieving Balance
$balance = OmniMessaging::driver('jawaly')->getBalance();
    $balance->isSuccess(); //bool
    $balance->getErrorsString(); // errors as string
    $balance->getErrors(); // errors as array
    $balance->getData(); // array of data returned from the gateway
    $balance->toArray(); // array of all the above
  • Handling Sms Webhooks

by default this package will handle the incoming sms webhooks using the gateway logic and dispatch an event OmniMessagingWebhookUpdateEvent with the parsedWebhookData as payload. so for example to listen to incoming sms you can do the following:

// in your event service provider
     OmniMessagingWebhookUpdateEvent::class => [

and within your listener you can access the parsed data as follows:

    public function handle(OmniMessagingWebhookUpdateEvent $event)
          foreach ($event->parsedWebhookData as $parsedNumber) {
            $parsedNumber->getNumber(); // phone number string
            $parsedNumber->getFrom(); // sender string
            $parsedNumber->getReference(); // reference string such as message id
            $parsedNumber->isSuccess(); // bool
            $parsedNumber->getError(); // string
            $parsedNumber->toArray(); // array of all the above


composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.


[❌] Create Log Driver for local development

[❌] Create Twilio Driver


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