This is simple python code to read ascii acceleration data (V1 file) in seismology
This code is too simple :) but work enough for me
I just try to make first work in github
This code has 3 simple function for read,write and plot V1-file in
(file.V1 is strong motion or acceleration data of earthquake)
>>> path = 'path-of-file/namefile'
# then
>>> st = read_v1(path,method = 'obspystream') # if you have obspy modul
# or
>>> data = read_v1(path,method = 'ascii')
# or
>>> data,st = read_v1(path,method = 'both') # if you have obspy modul
# data has all 3 component
# data = [[comp1, time1, acc1],[comp2, time2, acc2],[comp3, time3, acc3]]
>>> v1_write_2column_file(data)
# write 3 files with name of 'name_input_file+component' in current directory
>>> plot_v1(data)
# save image 'output.png' in current directory
Please send me any file.V1 that makes error to improve improve efficiency.