This software development tool is made for
- translating natural language in programm code (with a minimum of developer effort)
- executing the system requirements as automated tests (by any team member also in a purely non-technical role)
- generating system description documenation
Applying SysNat consequently is supposed to have the following effects in the long run:
a) Exectuable Examples become the Single Point of Truth (no or no unknown deviation between the application itself, its programm code and its description).
b) There is always a current system documentation (it can be generated within seconds).
c) Non-technical team members are able to modify existing Executable Examples, to create new ones and to execute them on their own without technical support (because the natural language used is intuitively understandable).
All this is done in natural language and can thus be used by business experts, requirement engineers, developers, testers as well as operators. That is why SysNat supports ATDD, BDD, DDD, DevOps and cross functional teams.
Technical Requirements:
- Java 8 *
- Eclipse or IntelliJ *
- Junit 4
- Selenium
* These two requirements are not part of this repository and must be provided by you.
SysNat is optimized for the use under Windows. There is no known reason why SysNat should not work under other operation systems but it is currently not yet tested.
Copyright by IKS GmbH
Licenced under Apache License 2.0
Versioning convention: major.minor.revision
major: will change for basic framework modification
minor: will change for new features and larger improvements
revision: will change for bug fixes and smaller improvements
you can find documentation around markdown here: