Releases: illacloud/illa-design
Releases · illacloud/illa-design
What's Changed
- feat(illa-design): add some icons by @AruSeito in #596
- feat(illa-design): add some icons by @AruSeito in #598
- Feat/table row by @echoxyc in #599
- Develop by @smallSohoSolo in #600
- fix(illa-design): switch style by @AruSeito in #601
- refactor(icons): 🔥 remove cover by @AruSeito in #602
- Develop by @AruSeito in #603
- Main by @AruSeito in #605
- Feat/input by @AruSeito in #604
- Fix/modal by @AruSeito in #606
- Feat/tabs by @echoxyc in #607
- Develop by @AruSeito in #608
- Main by @AruSeito in #609
- Feat/z index by @echoxyc in #610
- fix: 💄 input number style by @AruSeito in #611
- chore(deps): bump loader-utils from 1.4.0 to 1.4.1 by @dependabot in #612
- Feat/menu by @echoxyc in #613
- Develop by @AruSeito in #614
- Main by @AruSeito in #615
- fix: 🐛 no matching brackets by @AruSeito in #616
- fix: 🐛 not export by @AruSeito in #617
- fix: cascader ui by @AruSeito in #619
- Revert "fix: cascader ui" by @AruSeito in #620
- Revert "Revert "fix: cascader ui"" by @AruSeito in #621
- chore(deps): bump loader-utils from 1.4.1 to 1.4.2 by @dependabot in #618
- fix: table rowSelection section and filter func by @echoxyc in #622
- fix: cascader readonly by @AruSeito in #623
- fix: menu uI by @echoxyc in #624
- fix: column option acquisition method by @echoxyc in #625
- Develop by @AruSeito in #626
- Main by @AruSeito in #627
- Feat/message by @AruSeito in #628
- fix: react export by @AruSeito in #629
- Fix/table select row by @echoxyc in #630
- fix: z-index bug by @AruSeito in #631
- Fix/trigger bug by @AruSeito in #632
- Develop by @AruSeito in #633
- build: update github action by @AruSeito in #635
- Fix/commnet 1130 by @shandamengcheng in #634
- fix: table ui by @echoxyc in #636
- Feat/update vite by @smallSohoSolo in #637
- feat: add countup animation by @shandamengcheng in #641
- Merge/comment to develop by @shandamengcheng in #640
- fix: fix modal cancel event currentTarget by @shandamengcheng in #642
- fix: fix modal cancelled when click modal error by @shandamengcheng in #643
- fix: trigger's zindex by @AruSeito in #645
- fix: countDown props by @AruSeito in #646
- Merge/develop into main by @AruSeito in #648
- Develop by @AruSeito in #647
- Main by @AruSeito in #649
- fix: drawer style by @echoxyc in #650
- Develop by @AruSeito in #651
- version/1.0.12 by @AruSeito in #652
- Feat/input tag by @echoxyc in #653
- Develop by @AruSeito in #654
- chore: update github action by @AruSeito in #655
- Feat/new date picker by @AruSeito in #657
- Feat/pagination by @AruSeito in #658
- fix: date picker build config by @AruSeito in #659
- Feat/new date picker by @AruSeito in #660
- fix: types duplication by @AruSeito in #661
- fix: range date picker style by @AruSeito in #662
- Merge/develop into main 20230210 by @AruSeito in #664
- Main by @AruSeito in #665
- fix: simple pagination ui by @echoxyc in #666
- fix: input style by @echoxyc in #667
- version/1.0.15 by @echoxyc in #668
- Feat/develop uploader by @shandamengcheng in #669
- Develop by @AruSeito in #670
- Main by @AruSeito in #671
- Fix/upload list style by @shandamengcheng in #672
- fix: input by @echoxyc in #673
- version/1.0.17 by @echoxyc in #674
- fix: fix single select placeholder by @shandamengcheng in #675
- Develop by @AruSeito in #679
- Main by @AruSeito in #680
- feat: add slider by @Wangtaofeng in #678
- feat: slider add num tick by @Wangtaofeng in #681
- fix: slider drag end still in focus by @Wangtaofeng in #682
- fix: scroll stopPropagation,tooltips position by @Wangtaofeng in #683
- fix: slider support resize by @Wangtaofeng in #684
- feat: table add resize by @echoxyc in #685
- fix: table overflow style by @echoxyc in #686
- fix: add breadcrumb link to react by @shandamengcheng in #687
- Develop by @AruSeito in #688
- async main branch by @AruSeito in #689
- fix: table multiRowSelection style by @echoxyc in #690
- fix: table style by @echoxyc in #691
- feat: update color config by @Wangtaofeng in #692
- build: 📦️ update vite & react-swc version by @AruSeito in #693
- Fix/cascader 0509 by @AruSeito in #694
- fix: 📦️ revert update table package by @AruSeito in #695
- Develop by @AruSeito in #696
- fix: 🐛 center Icon vertically by default by @AruSeito in #697
- chore: 📦️ update package by @Wangtaofeng in #699
- fix: input tag style by @Wangtaofeng in #700
- feat: update table by @echoxyc in #701
- Develop by @AruSeito in #702
- [ci skip] async branch by @AruSeito in #703
- feat: table add custom cell padding props by @echoxyc in #704
- fix: multiple select label overflow by @Wangtaofeng in #705
- fix: pagination color scheme by @Wangtaofeng in #706
- Develop by @AruSeito in #707
- Main by @AruSeito in #708
- feat: fix step disabled by @Wangtaofeng in #709
- Develop by @AruSeito in #710
- feat: update rate style by @Wangtaofeng in #711
- feat: update icon by @AruSeito in #712
- Beta by @AruSeito in #713
- Beta by @AruSeito in #714
- Beta by @AruSeito in https...
What's Changed
- feat(illa-design): add some icons by @AruSeito in #596
- feat(illa-design): add some icons by @AruSeito in #598
- Feat/table row by @echoxyc in #599
- Develop by @smallSohoSolo in #600
- fix(illa-design): switch style by @AruSeito in #601
- refactor(icons): 🔥 remove cover by @AruSeito in #602
- Develop by @AruSeito in #603
- Main by @AruSeito in #605
- Feat/input by @AruSeito in #604
- Fix/modal by @AruSeito in #606
- Feat/tabs by @echoxyc in #607
- Develop by @AruSeito in #608
- Main by @AruSeito in #609
- Feat/z index by @echoxyc in #610
- fix: 💄 input number style by @AruSeito in #611
- chore(deps): bump loader-utils from 1.4.0 to 1.4.1 by @dependabot in #612
- Feat/menu by @echoxyc in #613
- Develop by @AruSeito in #614
- Main by @AruSeito in #615
- fix: 🐛 no matching brackets by @AruSeito in #616
- fix: 🐛 not export by @AruSeito in #617
- fix: cascader ui by @AruSeito in #619
- Revert "fix: cascader ui" by @AruSeito in #620
- Revert "Revert "fix: cascader ui"" by @AruSeito in #621
- chore(deps): bump loader-utils from 1.4.1 to 1.4.2 by @dependabot in #618
- fix: table rowSelection section and filter func by @echoxyc in #622
- fix: cascader readonly by @AruSeito in #623
- fix: menu uI by @echoxyc in #624
- fix: column option acquisition method by @echoxyc in #625
- Develop by @AruSeito in #626
- Main by @AruSeito in #627
- Feat/message by @AruSeito in #628
- fix: react export by @AruSeito in #629
- Fix/table select row by @echoxyc in #630
- fix: z-index bug by @AruSeito in #631
- Fix/trigger bug by @AruSeito in #632
- Develop by @AruSeito in #633
- build: update github action by @AruSeito in #635
- Fix/commnet 1130 by @shandamengcheng in #634
- fix: table ui by @echoxyc in #636
- Feat/update vite by @smallSohoSolo in #637
- feat: add countup animation by @shandamengcheng in #641
- Merge/comment to develop by @shandamengcheng in #640
- fix: fix modal cancel event currentTarget by @shandamengcheng in #642
- fix: fix modal cancelled when click modal error by @shandamengcheng in #643
- fix: trigger's zindex by @AruSeito in #645
- fix: countDown props by @AruSeito in #646
- Merge/develop into main by @AruSeito in #648
- Develop by @AruSeito in #647
- Main by @AruSeito in #649
- fix: drawer style by @echoxyc in #650
- Develop by @AruSeito in #651
- version/1.0.12 by @AruSeito in #652
- Feat/input tag by @echoxyc in #653
- Develop by @AruSeito in #654
- chore: update github action by @AruSeito in #655
- Feat/new date picker by @AruSeito in #657
- Feat/pagination by @AruSeito in #658
- fix: date picker build config by @AruSeito in #659
- Feat/new date picker by @AruSeito in #660
- fix: types duplication by @AruSeito in #661
- fix: range date picker style by @AruSeito in #662
- Merge/develop into main 20230210 by @AruSeito in #664
- Main by @AruSeito in #665
- fix: simple pagination ui by @echoxyc in #666
- fix: input style by @echoxyc in #667
- version/1.0.15 by @echoxyc in #668
- Feat/develop uploader by @shandamengcheng in #669
- Develop by @AruSeito in #670
- Main by @AruSeito in #671
- Fix/upload list style by @shandamengcheng in #672
- fix: input by @echoxyc in #673
- version/1.0.17 by @echoxyc in #674
- fix: fix single select placeholder by @shandamengcheng in #675
- Develop by @AruSeito in #679
- Main by @AruSeito in #680
- feat: add slider by @Wangtaofeng in #678
- feat: slider add num tick by @Wangtaofeng in #681
- fix: slider drag end still in focus by @Wangtaofeng in #682
- fix: scroll stopPropagation,tooltips position by @Wangtaofeng in #683
- fix: slider support resize by @Wangtaofeng in #684
- feat: table add resize by @echoxyc in #685
- fix: table overflow style by @echoxyc in #686
- fix: add breadcrumb link to react by @shandamengcheng in #687
- Develop by @AruSeito in #688
- async main branch by @AruSeito in #689
- fix: table multiRowSelection style by @echoxyc in #690
- fix: table style by @echoxyc in #691
- feat: update color config by @Wangtaofeng in #692
- build: 📦️ update vite & react-swc version by @AruSeito in #693
- Fix/cascader 0509 by @AruSeito in #694
- fix: 📦️ revert update table package by @AruSeito in #695
- Develop by @AruSeito in #696
- fix: 🐛 center Icon vertically by default by @AruSeito in #697
- chore: 📦️ update package by @Wangtaofeng in #699
- fix: input tag style by @Wangtaofeng in #700
- feat: update table by @echoxyc in #701
- Develop by @AruSeito in #702
- [ci skip] async branch by @AruSeito in #703
- feat: table add custom cell padding props by @echoxyc in #704
- fix: multiple select label overflow by @Wangtaofeng in #705
- fix: pagination color scheme by @Wangtaofeng in #706
- Develop by @AruSeito in #707
- Main by @AruSeito in #708
- feat: fix step disabled by @Wangtaofeng in #709
- Develop by @AruSeito in #710
- feat: update rate style by @Wangtaofeng in #711
- feat: update icon by @AruSeito in #712
- Beta by @AruSeito in #713
- Beta by @AruSeito in #714
- Beta by @AruSeito in https...
What's Changed
- feat(illa-design): add some icons by @AruSeito in #596
- feat(illa-design): add some icons by @AruSeito in #598
- Feat/table row by @echoxyc in #599
- Develop by @smallSohoSolo in #600
- fix(illa-design): switch style by @AruSeito in #601
- refactor(icons): 🔥 remove cover by @AruSeito in #602
- Develop by @AruSeito in #603
- Main by @AruSeito in #605
- Feat/input by @AruSeito in #604
- Fix/modal by @AruSeito in #606
- Feat/tabs by @echoxyc in #607
- Develop by @AruSeito in #608
- Main by @AruSeito in #609
- Feat/z index by @echoxyc in #610
- fix: 💄 input number style by @AruSeito in #611
- chore(deps): bump loader-utils from 1.4.0 to 1.4.1 by @dependabot in #612
- Feat/menu by @echoxyc in #613
- Develop by @AruSeito in #614
- Main by @AruSeito in #615
- fix: 🐛 no matching brackets by @AruSeito in #616
- fix: 🐛 not export by @AruSeito in #617
- fix: cascader ui by @AruSeito in #619
- Revert "fix: cascader ui" by @AruSeito in #620
- Revert "Revert "fix: cascader ui"" by @AruSeito in #621
- chore(deps): bump loader-utils from 1.4.1 to 1.4.2 by @dependabot in #618
- fix: table rowSelection section and filter func by @echoxyc in #622
- fix: cascader readonly by @AruSeito in #623
- fix: menu uI by @echoxyc in #624
- fix: column option acquisition method by @echoxyc in #625
- Develop by @AruSeito in #626
- Main by @AruSeito in #627
- Feat/message by @AruSeito in #628
- fix: react export by @AruSeito in #629
- Fix/table select row by @echoxyc in #630
- fix: z-index bug by @AruSeito in #631
- Fix/trigger bug by @AruSeito in #632
- Develop by @AruSeito in #633
- build: update github action by @AruSeito in #635
- Fix/commnet 1130 by @shandamengcheng in #634
- fix: table ui by @echoxyc in #636
- Feat/update vite by @smallSohoSolo in #637
- feat: add countup animation by @shandamengcheng in #641
- Merge/comment to develop by @shandamengcheng in #640
- fix: fix modal cancel event currentTarget by @shandamengcheng in #642
- fix: fix modal cancelled when click modal error by @shandamengcheng in #643
- fix: trigger's zindex by @AruSeito in #645
- fix: countDown props by @AruSeito in #646
- Merge/develop into main by @AruSeito in #648
- Develop by @AruSeito in #647
- Main by @AruSeito in #649
- fix: drawer style by @echoxyc in #650
- Develop by @AruSeito in #651
- version/1.0.12 by @AruSeito in #652
- Feat/input tag by @echoxyc in #653
- Develop by @AruSeito in #654
- chore: update github action by @AruSeito in #655
- Feat/new date picker by @AruSeito in #657
- Feat/pagination by @AruSeito in #658
- fix: date picker build config by @AruSeito in #659
- Feat/new date picker by @AruSeito in #660
- fix: types duplication by @AruSeito in #661
- fix: range date picker style by @AruSeito in #662
- Merge/develop into main 20230210 by @AruSeito in #664
- Main by @AruSeito in #665
- fix: simple pagination ui by @echoxyc in #666
- fix: input style by @echoxyc in #667
- version/1.0.15 by @echoxyc in #668
- Feat/develop uploader by @shandamengcheng in #669
- Develop by @AruSeito in #670
- Main by @AruSeito in #671
- Fix/upload list style by @shandamengcheng in #672
- fix: input by @echoxyc in #673
- version/1.0.17 by @echoxyc in #674
- fix: fix single select placeholder by @shandamengcheng in #675
- Develop by @AruSeito in #679
- Main by @AruSeito in #680
- feat: add slider by @Wangtaofeng in #678
- feat: slider add num tick by @Wangtaofeng in #681
- fix: slider drag end still in focus by @Wangtaofeng in #682
- fix: scroll stopPropagation,tooltips position by @Wangtaofeng in #683
- fix: slider support resize by @Wangtaofeng in #684
- feat: table add resize by @echoxyc in #685
- fix: table overflow style by @echoxyc in #686
- fix: add breadcrumb link to react by @shandamengcheng in #687
- Develop by @AruSeito in #688
New Contributors
- @shandamengcheng made their first contribution in #634
- @Wangtaofeng made their first contribution in #678
Full Changelog:
What's Changed
- feat(illa-design): add some icons by @AruSeito in #596
- feat(illa-design): add some icons by @AruSeito in #598
- Feat/table row by @echoxyc in #599
- Develop by @smallSohoSolo in #600
- fix(illa-design): switch style by @AruSeito in #601
- refactor(icons): 🔥 remove cover by @AruSeito in #602
- Develop by @AruSeito in #603
- Main by @AruSeito in #605
- Feat/input by @AruSeito in #604
- Fix/modal by @AruSeito in #606
- Feat/tabs by @echoxyc in #607
- Develop by @AruSeito in #608
- Main by @AruSeito in #609
- Feat/z index by @echoxyc in #610
- fix: 💄 input number style by @AruSeito in #611
- chore(deps): bump loader-utils from 1.4.0 to 1.4.1 by @dependabot in #612
- Feat/menu by @echoxyc in #613
- Develop by @AruSeito in #614
- Main by @AruSeito in #615
- fix: 🐛 no matching brackets by @AruSeito in #616
- fix: 🐛 not export by @AruSeito in #617
- fix: cascader ui by @AruSeito in #619
- Revert "fix: cascader ui" by @AruSeito in #620
- Revert "Revert "fix: cascader ui"" by @AruSeito in #621
- chore(deps): bump loader-utils from 1.4.1 to 1.4.2 by @dependabot in #618
- fix: table rowSelection section and filter func by @echoxyc in #622
- fix: cascader readonly by @AruSeito in #623
- fix: menu uI by @echoxyc in #624
- fix: column option acquisition method by @echoxyc in #625
- Develop by @AruSeito in #626
- Main by @AruSeito in #627
- Feat/message by @AruSeito in #628
- fix: react export by @AruSeito in #629
- Fix/table select row by @echoxyc in #630
- fix: z-index bug by @AruSeito in #631
- Fix/trigger bug by @AruSeito in #632
- Develop by @AruSeito in #633
- build: update github action by @AruSeito in #635
- Fix/commnet 1130 by @shandamengcheng in #634
- fix: table ui by @echoxyc in #636
- Feat/update vite by @smallSohoSolo in #637
- feat: add countup animation by @shandamengcheng in #641
- Merge/comment to develop by @shandamengcheng in #640
- fix: fix modal cancel event currentTarget by @shandamengcheng in #642
- fix: fix modal cancelled when click modal error by @shandamengcheng in #643
- fix: trigger's zindex by @AruSeito in #645
- fix: countDown props by @AruSeito in #646
- Merge/develop into main by @AruSeito in #648
- Develop by @AruSeito in #647
- Main by @AruSeito in #649
- fix: drawer style by @echoxyc in #650
- Develop by @AruSeito in #651
- version/1.0.12 by @AruSeito in #652
- Feat/input tag by @echoxyc in #653
- Develop by @AruSeito in #654
- chore: update github action by @AruSeito in #655
- Feat/new date picker by @AruSeito in #657
- Feat/pagination by @AruSeito in #658
- fix: date picker build config by @AruSeito in #659
- Feat/new date picker by @AruSeito in #660
- fix: types duplication by @AruSeito in #661
- fix: range date picker style by @AruSeito in #662
- Merge/develop into main 20230210 by @AruSeito in #664
- Main by @AruSeito in #665
- fix: simple pagination ui by @echoxyc in #666
- fix: input style by @echoxyc in #667
- version/1.0.15 by @echoxyc in #668
- Feat/develop uploader by @shandamengcheng in #669
- Develop by @AruSeito in #670
- Main by @AruSeito in #671
- Fix/upload list style by @shandamengcheng in #672
- fix: input by @echoxyc in #673
- version/1.0.17 by @echoxyc in #674
- fix: fix single select placeholder by @shandamengcheng in #675
- Develop by @AruSeito in #679
New Contributors
- @shandamengcheng made their first contribution in #634
Full Changelog:
What's Changed
Full Changelog:
What's Changed
Full Changelog:
What's Changed
- feat(illa-design): add some icons by @AruSeito in #596
- feat(illa-design): add some icons by @AruSeito in #598
- Feat/table row by @echoxyc in #599
- Develop by @smallSohoSolo in #600
- fix(illa-design): switch style by @AruSeito in #601
- refactor(icons): 🔥 remove cover by @AruSeito in #602
- Develop by @AruSeito in #603
- Main by @AruSeito in #605
- Feat/input by @AruSeito in #604
- Fix/modal by @AruSeito in #606
- Feat/tabs by @echoxyc in #607
- Develop by @AruSeito in #608
- Main by @AruSeito in #609
- Feat/z index by @echoxyc in #610
- fix: 💄 input number style by @AruSeito in #611
- chore(deps): bump loader-utils from 1.4.0 to 1.4.1 by @dependabot in #612
- Feat/menu by @echoxyc in #613
- Develop by @AruSeito in #614
- Main by @AruSeito in #615
- fix: 🐛 no matching brackets by @AruSeito in #616
- fix: 🐛 not export by @AruSeito in #617
- fix: cascader ui by @AruSeito in #619
- Revert "fix: cascader ui" by @AruSeito in #620
- Revert "Revert "fix: cascader ui"" by @AruSeito in #621
- chore(deps): bump loader-utils from 1.4.1 to 1.4.2 by @dependabot in #618
- fix: table rowSelection section and filter func by @echoxyc in #622
- fix: cascader readonly by @AruSeito in #623
- fix: menu uI by @echoxyc in #624
- fix: column option acquisition method by @echoxyc in #625
- Feat/message by @AruSeito in #628
- fix: react export by @AruSeito in #629
- Fix/table select row by @echoxyc in #630
- fix: z-index bug by @AruSeito in #631
- Fix/trigger bug by @AruSeito in #632
- build: update github action by @AruSeito in #635
- Fix/commnet 1130 by @shandamengcheng in #634
- fix: table ui by @echoxyc in #636
- Feat/update vite by @smallSohoSolo in #637
- feat: add countup animation by @shandamengcheng in #641
- Merge/comment to develop by @shandamengcheng in #640
- fix: fix modal cancel event currentTarget by @shandamengcheng in #642
- fix: fix modal cancelled when click modal error by @shandamengcheng in #643
- fix: trigger's zindex by @AruSeito in #645
- fix: countDown props by @AruSeito in #646
New Contributors
- @shandamengcheng made their first contribution in #634
Full Changelog: