这是我对于PHP开发多年的一个最佳实践的演示系统。 前端采用VueJS 2.6 + ElementUI, 后端采用PHP Laravel 6.2,基于MySQL 5.7存储。 没有做的太复杂,在于演示前后端分离系统的开发,展示了VueJS+PHP(Laravel)+MySQL的操作流程,是一个完整能运行的系统。 拥有联盟客模块、订单模块、素材模块。 涉及RabbitMQ消息中间件的部分不好演示,就没有放进来。
修改 /etc/hosts www.dev.com api.dev.com admin.dev.com
api 基于Laravel 6.2的Api服务器,演示部署域名: api.dev.com
frontend 给联盟客用的主站界面,演示部署域名: www.dev.com
backend 后台管理界面,演示部署域名: admin.dev.com
- 本系统的意义在于演示PHP Laravel最佳实践
- app/Http/Controllers/Backend/BannerController.php
- 在Controller中敲 $item->pic_url 都是带IDE智能提示的
use App\Http\Requests\Backend\BannerListPost;
class BannerController extends Controller
* 列表
* @author: tobinzhao@gmail.com
* Date: 2019-11-13
* @param BannerListPost $post
* @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse
public function actionList(BannerListPost $post)
$totalRows = 0;
$list = BannerService::singleton()->findListByPage($post, $totalRows);
foreach ($list as $item) {
$item->thumb_url = UtilHelper::thumbUrl( $item->pic_url);
$item->statusText = BannerEnum::STATUS_TEXT_LIST[$item->status] ?? '';
return $this->jsonSuccess([
'list' => $list,
'page' => $post->page,
'perPage' => $post->perPage,
'totalRows' => $totalRows
- app/Http/Requests/Backend/BannerListPost.php
* 使用Laravel参数验证器
* Class BannerListPost
* @package App\Http\Requests
* @property $title string
* @property $status int
class BannerListPost extends BasePageListPost
* Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
* @return array
public function rules()
return [
'status' => 'nullable|integer|in:1,2',
'title' => 'nullable|min:1|max:50',
public function attributes()
return [
'title' => '标题',
'status' => '上架状态',
- 在Service中敲$post->title都是带IDE智能提示的
- 在Service中标记@return BannerModel[],可在调用处使用IDE智能提示Model字段名
class BannerService extends BaseService
* @author: tobinzhao@gmail.com
* Date: 2019-11-13
* @param BannerListPost $post
* @param int $totalRows
* @return BannerModel[]
public function findListByPage(BannerListPost $post, int &$totalRows)
$where = [];
if ($post->title) {
$where[] = ['title', 'like', '%'.addcslashes( $post->title, '%').'%'];
if ($post->status) {
$where[] = ['status', '=', $post->status];
$list = BannerModel::singleton()->findListByPage( $where, $post->page, $post->perPage, $totalRows);
return $list;
class BannerModel extends ValidateBaseModel
* 分页获取多个实例(Model数组)
* @author: tobinzhao@gmail.com
* Date: 2019-03-02 *
* @param array $where
* @param int $page
* @param int $perPage
* @param int $totalRows 返回查询总数
* @return static[]
public function findListByPage(array $where, $page, $perPage, &$totalRows, $orderByDesc = 'id' )
$query = static::query();
$query->where($where)->forPage( $page, $perPage)->orderByDesc($orderByDesc);
$list = $query->get()->all();
$totalRows = $query->toBase()->getCountForPagination();
return $list;