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proletesseract committed Jan 29, 2024
1 parent fb5df13 commit c6ab829
Showing 1 changed file with 60 additions and 81 deletions.
141 changes: 60 additions & 81 deletions test/fork/root/RootERC20BridgeFlowRate.t.sol
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ contract RootERC20BridgeFlowRateForkTest is Test, Utils {

// move to .env
address payable rootBridgeAddress = payable(0xBa5E35E26Ae59c7aea6F029B68c6460De2d13eB6);
address IMX = address(0xF57e7e7C23978C3cAEC3C3548E3D615c346e79fF);
address rootAdapter = address(0x4f49B53928A71E553bB1B0F66a5BcB54Fd4E8932);
address receiver1 = address(0x111);
address receiver2 = address(0x222);
Expand All @@ -37,113 +38,91 @@ contract RootERC20BridgeFlowRateForkTest is Test, Utils {

function test_flowRateETH() public {
uint256 largeThreshold = rootBridgeFlowRate.largeTransferThresholds(NATIVE_ETH);
(uint256 capacity, uint256 depth, uint256 refillTime, uint256 refillRate) = rootBridgeFlowRate.flowRateBuckets(NATIVE_ETH);

function _flowRate(address token) public {
uint256 largeThreshold = rootBridgeFlowRate.largeTransferThresholds(token);

//only need depth returned
(, uint256 depth, ,) = rootBridgeFlowRate.flowRateBuckets(token);

// send 75% of the largeThreshold value
uint256 txValue = ((largeThreshold / 100) * 75);

uint256 numTxs = (depth / txValue) + 2;

uint256 numTxsReceiver1 = 0;

//deal enough ETH to the bridge to cover all the txs, txValue * numTxs);
if (token == NATIVE_ETH) {
//deal enough ETH to the bridge to cover all the txs, txValue * numTxs);
} else {
//@TODO ensure the bridge has enough tokens to cover all the txs
console2.log('not eth');

while(depth > 0) {
//prank as axelar sending a message to the adapter
//withdraw until queue is activated
bool queueActivated = rootBridgeFlowRate.withdrawalQueueActivated();
while(queueActivated == false) {
_sendWithdrawMessage(token, receiver1, receiver1, txValue);
queueActivated = rootBridgeFlowRate.withdrawalQueueActivated();

bytes memory predictedPayload1 =
abi.encode(rootBridgeFlowRate.WITHDRAW_SIG(), NATIVE_ETH, receiver1, receiver1, txValue);
//send one more tx to receiver2 and make sure it gets queued
_sendWithdrawMessage(token, receiver2, receiver2, txValue);

(capacity, depth, refillTime, refillRate) = rootBridgeFlowRate.flowRateBuckets(NATIVE_ETH);
//attempt to withdraw for receiver 1
uint256 okTime1 = _attemptEarlyWithdraw(token, receiver1, txValue);

bool queueActivated = rootBridgeFlowRate.withdrawalQueueActivated();
//attempt to withdraw for receiver 2
uint256 okTime2 = _attemptEarlyWithdraw(token, receiver2, txValue);

if (depth > 0) {
} else {
//fast forward past withdrawal delay time and withdraw for receiver 1
rootBridgeFlowRate.finaliseQueuedWithdrawal(receiver1, 0);

numTxsReceiver1 += 1;
//fast forward past withdrawal delay time and withdraw for receiver 2
rootBridgeFlowRate.finaliseQueuedWithdrawal(receiver2, 0);

//sanity check we dealt the enough eth
assertEq(numTxsReceiver1+1, numTxs);

//send one more tx to receiver2 and make sure it gets queued
bytes memory predictedPayload2 =
abi.encode(rootBridgeFlowRate.WITHDRAW_SIG(), NATIVE_ETH, receiver2, receiver2, txValue);
function _attemptEarlyWithdraw(address token, address receiver, uint256 txValue)
public returns (uint256 okTime){

uint256 pendingLength1 = rootBridgeFlowRate.getPendingWithdrawalsLength(receiver1);
uint256 pendingLength2 = rootBridgeFlowRate.getPendingWithdrawalsLength(receiver2);
uint256 pendingLength = rootBridgeFlowRate.getPendingWithdrawalsLength(receiver);

//each receiver should have 1 queued tx
assertEq(pendingLength1, 1);
assertEq(pendingLength2, 1);
assertEq(pendingLength, 1);

uint256[] memory indices1 = new uint256[](1);
indices1[0] = 0;
uint256[] memory indices = new uint256[](1);
indices[0] = 0;

RootERC20BridgeFlowRate.PendingWithdrawal[] memory pending1 =
rootBridgeFlowRate.getPendingWithdrawals(receiver1, indices1);
RootERC20BridgeFlowRate.PendingWithdrawal[] memory pending =
rootBridgeFlowRate.getPendingWithdrawals(receiver, indices);

assertEq(pending1.length, 1);
assertEq(pending1[0].withdrawer, receiver1);
assertEq(pending1[0].token, NATIVE_ETH);
assertEq(pending1[0].amount, txValue);
uint256 timestamp1 = pending1[0].timestamp;
assertEq(pending.length, 1);
assertEq(pending[0].withdrawer, receiver);
assertEq(pending[0].token, token);
assertEq(pending[0].amount, txValue);
uint256 timestamp = pending[0].timestamp;

uint256 okTime1 = timestamp1 + withdrawDelay;
okTime = timestamp + withdrawDelay;

//deal some eth to pay withdraw gas, 1 ether);

//try to process withdraw 1
abi.encodeWithSelector(IFlowRateWithdrawalQueueErrors.WithdrawalRequestTooEarly.selector, timestamp1, okTime1)
rootBridgeFlowRate.finaliseQueuedWithdrawal(receiver1, 0);

uint256[] memory indices2 = new uint256[](1);
indices2[0] = 0;

RootERC20BridgeFlowRate.PendingWithdrawal[] memory pending2 =
rootBridgeFlowRate.getPendingWithdrawals(receiver2, indices2);

assertEq(pending2.length, 1);
assertEq(pending2[0].withdrawer, receiver2);
assertEq(pending2[0].token, NATIVE_ETH);
assertEq(pending2[0].amount, txValue);
uint256 timestamp2 = pending2[0].timestamp;

uint256 okTime2 = timestamp2 + withdrawDelay;

//try to process withdraw 2
//try to process the withdrawal
abi.encodeWithSelector(IFlowRateWithdrawalQueueErrors.WithdrawalRequestTooEarly.selector, timestamp2, okTime2)
abi.encodeWithSelector(IFlowRateWithdrawalQueueErrors.WithdrawalRequestTooEarly.selector, timestamp, okTime)
rootBridgeFlowRate.finaliseQueuedWithdrawal(receiver2, 0);


rootBridgeFlowRate.finaliseQueuedWithdrawal(receiver1, 0);


rootBridgeFlowRate.finaliseQueuedWithdrawal(receiver2, 0);


//warp to time when withdraw can be processed
rootBridgeFlowRate.finaliseQueuedWithdrawal(receiver, 0);

//try to withdraw again
function _sendWithdrawMessage(address token, address sender, address receiver, uint256 txValue) public {
//prank as axelar sending a message to the adapter
bytes memory predictedPayload =
abi.encode(rootBridgeFlowRate.WITHDRAW_SIG(), token, sender, receiver, txValue);

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