Twinkle makes it easy to serve up an appcast xml feed and to store anonymized and aggregated Sparkle Framework statistics.
You can easily mount Twinkle to manage and serve your Appcast and store and summarize statistics.
Twinkle contains 5 models, an appcast controller and a summarize concern for creating aggregate usage statistics.
Too much trouble hosting your own? Check out
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem "twinkle"
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install twinkle
bin/rails twinkle:install:migrations
Add the folllwing to your config/routes
mount Twinkle::Engine => "/"
This will mount the appcast routes at /updates/:app.slug
You can extend the Twinkle::App model by creating app/models/twinkle/app.rb
class Twinkle::App < ApplicationRecord
include Twinkle::Concerns::Models::App
include Summarize
# Your custom app code and validations etc go here
Pull requests welcome.
bin/rails db:test:prepare
gem build
gem push twinkle-x.x.x.gem
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.