npm i -D hasurafire
mainFields: ['module', 'browser', 'main']
import { Root } from "hasurafire";
const config = {
endpoint, // hasura graphql endpoint
schema: 'v1', // %s in queries, mutations and subscriptions will be replaced by this value
queries: {
getMessages: `
query get_messages {
%s_messages {
}, // graphql queries, mutations and subscriptions
<Root {...config} global={{uid: '100'}} let:firebase>
<!-- Here you have access to firebase object -->
<!-- prop: firebaseConfig -->
<!-- prop: endpoint, hasura graphql endpoint -->
<!-- optional prop: queries, object with all queries, mutations and subscriptions -->
<!-- optional prop: global, fallback values for query variables if variable undefined -->
<!-- optional prop: analytics, firebase analytics -->
<!-- optional prop: perf, firebase performence -->
<!-- optional prop: schema, value which will replace %s in queries -->
<!-- component props -->
<!-- component -->
import { User } from "hasurafire";
<User (let|bind):user (let|bind):auth (let|bind):fresh_signin on:signin on:signout on:in on:out>
<!-- Here you have access to user object [current firebase user] -->
<!-- Here you have access to auth object [firebase.auth()] -->
<!-- let:user current firebase user -->
<!-- let:auth firebase.auth() -->
<!-- let:fresh_signin just signed in -->
<!-- let:signout signout function -->
<!-- bind:user current firebase user -->
<!-- bind:auth firebase.auth() -->
<!-- bind:fresh_signin just signed in -->
<!-- bind:signout signout function -->
<!-- on:signin is fired when user signs in -->
<!-- on:signout is fired when user signs out -->
<!-- on:in is fired when user is already signed in as well as when user signs in -->
<!-- on:out is fired when user is already signed in as well as when user signs out -->
<!-- slot:default if user is signed in -->
<!-- slot:signed-out if user is signed out -->
<!-- slot:pending if not sure signed in or not -->
<!-- slot:start which is rendered all the time-->
<!-- slot:end which is rendered all the time-->
<!-- component props -->
<!-- pending -->
<!-- component -->
<!-- out -->
import { User, SaveUser } from "hasurafire";
<User let:user={{ email }} let:fresh_signin let:signout>
{#if fresh_signin}
<SaveUser {mutation} variables={{ email }} on:error={signout} >
<!-- Here you have access to response object [mutation response] -->
<!-- let:response response of mutation -->
<!-- let:data object -->
<!-- let:error error if any -->
<!-- bind:response response of mutation -->
<!-- bind:data object -->
<!-- bind:error error if any -->
<!-- on:new is fired when user successfull saved -->
<!-- on:already_exists is fired when user is already exists -->
<!-- on:error is fired when some problem occours -->
<!-- optional prop: role, save user while using a specific role -->
<!-- optional prop: headers, save user while passing custom request headers to hasura -->
<!-- optional prop: noauth, save user without authentication -->
<!-- optional prop: adminsecret, save user using admin secret insead of firebase auth -->
<!-- slot:default if saved successfully -->
<!-- slot:already_exists if user already exists -->
<!-- slot:error if some problem occours saving -->
<!-- slot:pending while user is being saved -->
<!-- slot:start which is rendered all the time-->
<!-- slot:end which is rendered all the time-->
<!-- component props -->
<!-- pending -->
<!-- component -->
<!-- exists -->
<!-- alt -->
import { Query } from "hasurafire";
const variables = {};
<Query started {query} {variables} let:execute let:response on:response on:error>
<!-- prop: started, which is passed if query is to be started on mount -->
<!-- prop: query, which accepts three types of input queryName|stringQuery|gqlTagQuery -->
<!-- Here you have access to execute function, calling this function will execute this query -->
<!-- Here you have access to response object [graphql query response] -->
<!-- let:response response of query -->
<!-- let:data object -->
<!-- let:error error if any -->
<!-- bind:response response of query -->
<!-- bind:data object -->
<!-- bind:error error if any -->
<!-- on:response is fired when new response is recieved from query -->
<!-- on:error is fired when some error occurs while quering -->
<!-- optional prop: variables, which accepts an object containing all the variables needed for this graplql query -->
<!-- optional prop: every, which accepts some number in seconds after which re-execute this query -->
<!-- optional prop: started, which accepts some boolean value (not used with every prop) to start quering on mount) -->
<!-- optional prop: role, do this query hasura using a specific role -->
<!-- optional prop: headers, do this query while passing custom request headers to hasura -->
<!-- optional prop: noauth, do this query without authentication -->
<!-- optional prop: adminsecret, do this query using admin secret insead of firebase auth -->
<!-- slot:default if query successfull -->
<!-- slot:error if some problem occours while quering -->
<!-- slot:pending while query is being executed -->
<!-- slot:start which is rendered all the time-->
<!-- slot:end which is rendered all the time-->
<!-- component props -->
<!-- pending -->
<!-- component -->
<!-- alt -->
import { Mutate } from "hasurafire";
const variables = {};
<Mutate started {mutation} {variables} let:execute let:response on:response on:error>
<!-- prop: started, which is passed if mutation is to be started on mount -->
<!-- prop: mutation, which accepts three types of input mutationName|stringMutation|gqlTagMutation -->
<!-- Here you have access to execute function, calling this function will execute this mutation -->
<!-- Here you have access to response object [graphql mutation response] -->
<!-- let:response response of mutation -->
<!-- let:data object -->
<!-- let:error error if any -->
<!-- bind:response response of mutation -->
<!-- bind:data object -->
<!-- bind:error error if any -->
<!-- on:response is fired when new response is recieved from mutation -->
<!-- on:error is fired when some error occurs while quering -->
<!-- optional prop: variables, which accepts an object containing all the variables needed for this graplql mutation -->
<!-- optional prop: every, which accepts some number in seconds after which re-execute this mutation -->
<!-- optional prop: started, which accepts some boolean value (not used with every prop) to start quering on mount) -->
<!-- optional prop: role, do this mutation hasura using a specific role -->
<!-- optional prop: headers, do this mutation while passing custom request headers to hasura -->
<!-- optional prop: noauth, do this mutation without authentication -->
<!-- optional prop: adminsecret, do this mutation using admin secret insead of firebase auth -->
<!-- slot:default if mutation successfull -->
<!-- slot:error if some problem occours while mutating -->
<!-- slot:pending while mutation is being executed -->
<!-- slot:start which is rendered all the time-->
<!-- slot:end which is rendered all the time-->
<!-- component props -->
<!-- pending -->
<!-- component -->
<!-- alt -->
import { Subscribe } from "hasurafire";
const variables = {};
<Subscribe {query} {variables} let:response on:response>
<!-- prop: query, which accepts three types of input queryName|stringQuery|gqlTagQuery -->
<!-- Here you have access to response object [graphql subscription response] -->
<!-- let:response response of query -->
<!-- let:data object -->
<!-- let:error error if any -->
<!-- bind:response response of query -->
<!-- bind:data object -->
<!-- bind:error error if any -->
<!-- on:response is fired when new response is recieved from subscription -->
<!-- optional prop: variables, which accepts an object containing all the variables needed for this graplql subscription -->
<!-- optional prop: role, do this query hasura using a specific role -->
<!-- optional prop: headers, do this query while passing custom request headers to hasura -->
<!-- optional prop: noauth, do this query without authentication -->
<!-- optional prop: adminsecret, do this query using admin secret insead of firebase auth -->
<!-- slot:default if subscription successfull -->
<!-- slot:pending while subscribing -->
<!-- slot:start which is rendered all the time-->
<!-- slot:end which is rendered all the time-->
<!-- component props -->
<!-- pending -->
<!-- component -->
<!-- alt -->
- Type: function
- Parameters:
- query
- variables (optional)
- options (optional) e.g. { role, headers, noauth, adminsecret }
- Returns
- graphql query response
- Type: function
- Parameters:
- mutatation
- variables (optional)
- options (optional) e.g. { role, headers, noauth, adminsecret }
- Returns
- graphql mutatation response
- Type: function
- Parameters:
- query
- variables (optional)
- options (optional) e.g. { role, headers, noauth, adminsecret }
- Returns
- object
- observable
- qraphql subscription observable
- client
- client.close() function to disconnect this websocket connection
- observable
- object
- svelte store for firebase object
- firebase current user
- -1 if signed out
- 0 if not sure (pending)
- 1 if signed in
- JWT access token of currently signed-in user
- fallback values for query, mutation and subscription variables
- call this function to signin with popup with google
- call this function to signin with popup with github
- call this function to signin with popup with facebook
- call this function to signin with popup with twitter
- call this function to signin with popup with 0Auth
- call this function to signin with redirect with google
- call this function to signin with redirect with github
- call this function to signin with redirect with facebook
- call this function to signin with redirect with twitter
- call this function to signin with redirect with 0Auth
- call this function to signin with email and password
- accepts email and password
- call this function to send verification email to user
- call this function to update user's profile
- accepts an object
displayName: "", // optional
photoURL: "" // optional
- call this function to update user's email
- accepts email
- call this function to update user's password
- accepts password
- call this function to send password reset email to user
- call this function to signout
- call this function to delete user's account