Project concerned with iterative rule-based sentence simplification for English
The repository includes a corpus of three text registers in which various lexical/punctuational markers of syntactic complexity are annotated with information about their syntactic coordinating and clause bounding functions.
To cite the corpus, please use one of the following:
Evans, R. and Orasan, C. (2013) Annotating signs of syntactic complexity to support sentence simplification. In Habernal, I. and Matousek, V. (eds.) Text, Speech and Dialogue. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference TSD 2013, Plzen, Czech Republic, Springer, ISBN: 978-3-642-40584-6, pp. 92-104.
Evans, R. (2020) Sentence Simplification for Text Processing. Doctoral thesis. University of Wolverhampton. Wolverhampton, UK.