- I am a person who likes to learn new things✨, find experiences and communicate to people. To gain perspectives and knowledge to develop and create good things and happiness for myself and others.
- Interested in
web dev
,data science
,data & business analysis
,cyber security
, andsoftware testing
- Part-time Music producer @nonscope.official
- 🎂 Birth date: 09/02/2006 (19 years old)
- 🎓 2021-2024 English Program - Science (EP-Sci), Samsenwittayalai School
- 📍 2024-Now Faculty of Computer Engineering and Digital Technology (CEDT), Chula U.
- ✉️ You can contact me at 6733185821@student.chula.ac.th
- Deenager: Learning spaces & Productivity (web)
- Kazein: All stages of retirement (web & app)
- DayZ webpage: Intro & Survey form of DayZ reallife survival game in Thailand | from DayZ Challenge, Greece
- School projects: TedXcybersecurity, SS-delivery, DustyPop-business plan
- 🥉 Bronze prize 11th Thailand Mathematics Contest (TMC)