The APIs provided here may change and functionality may not be maintained. Use at your own risk.
This library provides a DB API 2 interface and SQLAlchemy Dialect for Flight SQL for example to interact with InfluxDB IOx in our Cloud product.
Initially, this library aims to ease the process of connecting to Flight SQL APIs in Apache Superset.
The primary SQLAlchemy Dialect provided by flightsql-dbapi
targets the
DataFusion SQL execution engine. However,
there extension points to create custom dialects using Flight SQL as a transport
layer and for metadata discovery.
$ pip install flightsql-dbapi
DB API 2 Interface (PEP-249)
from flightsql import connect, FlightSQLClient
client = FlightSQLClient(host='')
conn = connect(client)
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute('select * from runs limit 10')
print("columns:", cursor.description)
print("rows:", [r for r in cursor])
import flightsql.sqlalchemy
from sqlalchemy import func, select
from sqlalchemy.engine import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.schema import MetaData, Table
engine = create_engine("datafusion+flightsql://")
runs = Table("runs", MetaData(bind=engine), autoload=True)
count = select([func.count("*")], from_obj=runs).scalar()
print("runs count:", count)
print("columns:", [(, r.type) for r in runs.columns])
# Reflection
metadata = MetaData(schema="iox")
print("tables:", [table for table in metadata.sorted_tables])
If your database of choice can't make use of the Dialects provided by this
library directly, you can extend flightsql.sqlalchemy.FlightSQLDialect
as a
starting point for your own custom Dialect.
from flightsql.sqlalchemy import FlightSQLDialect
from sqlalchemy.dialects import registry
class CustomDialect(FlightSQLDialect):
name = "custom"
paramstyle = 'named'
# For more information about what's available to override, visit:
registry.register("custom.flightsql", "", "CustomDialect")
DB API 2 Connection creation is provided by FlightSQLDialect
The core reflection APIs of get_columns
, get_table_names
are implemented in terms of Flight SQL API calls so you
shouldn't have to override those unless you have very specific needs.
from flightsql import FlightSQLClient
client = FlightSQLClient(host='',
info = client.execute("select * from runs limit 10")
reader = client.do_get(info.endpoints[0].ticket)
data_frame = reader.read_all().to_pandas()
Both Basic and Bearer Authentication are supported.
To authenticate using Basic Authentication, supply a DSN as follows:
A handshake will be performed with the upstream server to obtain a Bearer token. That token will be used for the remainder of the engine's lifetype.
To authenticate using Bearer Authentication directly, supply a token
query parameter
The token will be placed in an appropriate Authentication: Bearer ...
HTTP header.
Name | Description | Default |
insecure |
Connect without SSL/TLS (h2c) | false |
disable_server_verification |
Disable certificate verification of the upstream server | false |
token |
Bearer token to use instead of Basic Auth | empty |
Any query parameters not specified in the above table will be sent to the upstream server as gRPC metadata.