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React Native native module for the Clover SDK.

Getting started

$ yarn add @infuse/react-native-clover

Mostly automatic installation (Pre-0.60)

$ react-native link @infuse/react-native-clover

Manual installation (Pre-0.60)


  1. Open up android/app/src/main/java/[...]/
  • Add import com.infuse.clover.bridge.RNCloverBridgePackage; to the imports at the top of the file
  • Add new RNCloverBridgePackage() to the list returned by the getPackages() method
  1. Append the following lines to android/settings.gradle:
    include ':@infuse_react-native-clover'
    project(':@infuse_react-native-clover').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, 	'../node_modules/@infuse/react-native-clover/android')
  2. Insert the following lines inside the dependencies block in android/app/build.gradle:
      implementation project(':@infuse_react-native-clover')


import Clover, { useScanner } from '@infuse/react-native-clover';

// Hook to register and listen to connected Clover scanner, tested on flex and mini gen 2
useScanner(callback, enabled);

Clover.authenticate(forceValidateToken: Boolean = false, timeout: Number = 10000) => ({
  success: Boolean,
  authToken: String,
  errorMessage: String,

Clover.getMerchant().then({ data } => { ... });


Clover.print(String imagePath).then(...);
 * Print Payment Option
 * orderId: string - Required
 * paymentId: string - Required
 * flags: array - optional, array of PrintJob flags

// Use this in situations where you are not ensured to have account access permission, API 26+
Clover.startAccountChooserIfNeeded().then({ success: bool } => { ... });

// Register Scanner for listening to CLOVER.EVENT.BARCODE_SCANNER, tested on Flex and Mini Gen 2


// This should be called as early as possible during app load before calling any payment method
Clover.initializePaymentConnector(String raid);

 * Sale Option
 * amount: int - Required
 * externalPaymentId: string - Required, unless generateExternalPaymentId is true
 * printReceipt: bool - optional, auto print receipt without selection
 * generateExternalPaymentId: bool - optional, unless externalPaymentId is not provided, default false
 * cardEntryMethods: int - optional, see CARD_ENTRY_METHODS, defaults to MAG_STRIPE | ICC_CONTACT | NFC_CONTACTLESS
 * disableDuplicateChecking: bool -  optional, default false
 * disableRestartTransactionOnFail: bool - optional, default false
 * disablePrinting: bool - optional, default false
 * disableReceiptSelection: bool - optional, default false
 * signatureEntryLocation: string - optional, see DATA_ENTRY_LOCATION, defaults to merchant settings
 * signatureThreshold: int - optional, defaults to merchant settings
 * autoAcceptSignature: boolean - optional, whether to ask for signature confirmation, default true
 * tipAmount: int - optional, if TipMode is set to TIP_PROVIDED, this must be set
 * tippableAmount: int - optional, amount used to calculate tip
 * tipMode: string - optional, see TIP_MODE, defaults to merchant settings
 * tipSuggestions: array - optional, see [TipSuggestions](
 *     TipSuggestion {
 *        name: string,
 *        percentage: int,
 *     }
 * Sale Result
 * success: bool
 * message: string
 * reason: string
 * payment: object
 */ => {});

 * Refund Payment Option
 * paymentId: string - required
 * orderId: string - required
 * printReceipt: bool - optional, auto print receipt without selection
 * amount: int - optional, for partial refunds
 * setFullRefund: boolean: optional, overrides amount
 * Refund Payment Result
 * success: bool
 * message: string
 * reason: string
 * refund: object
Clover.refundPayment(option).then(result => {});

 * Manual Refund Option
 * amount: int - required
 * externalPaymentId: string - required
 * printReceipt: bool - optional, auto print receipt without selection
 * Manual Refund Result
 * success: bool
 * message: string
 * reason: string
 * credit: object
Clover.manualRefund(option).then(result => {});

 * Void Payment Option
 * paymentId: string, required
 * orderId: string, required
 * voidReason: string, required, see VOID_REASON
 * printReceipt: bool - optional, auto print receipt without selection
 * Void Payment Result
 * success: bool
 * message: string
 * reason: string
 * paymentId: string
Clover.voidPayment(option).then(result => {});



  • If you aren't getting anything resolved when calling getMerchant try these following solutions:
    • Make sure that you are running this in an app that is registered on Clover.
    • Make sure you have account permission before running getMerchant. This can be an issue on Android 8.0+. See startAccountChooserIfNeeded.
    • If you've just uninstalled and reinstalled the app, it can take a while for the device to refresh the app's access. Restart the clover device to force a refresh.


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