This is a loan application built with Spring Boot, providing a platform for users to apply for loans and loan officers to review and approve/reject loan applications.
- User Registration: Users can sign up for an account on the platform
- User Authentication: Users can log in to the platform using their credentials
- User Profile: Users can edit their profile information, including personal details and contact information.
- Loan Application: Users can submit loan applications through the platform, providing necessary information such as loan amount, purpose, and documentation.
- Loan Officer Access: Loan officers have separate login credentials and can review loan applications submitted by users.
- Loan Application Review: Loan officers can review and evaluate loan applications, considering factors such as credit history and documentation provided by the user.
- Loan Approval/Rejection: Loan officers can approve or reject loan applications based on their assessment.
- Loan Agreement Generation: For approved loan applications, loan officers can generate loan agreements for the borrowers to review and sign.
To access the application:
- Clone the repository: git clone
- Configure the database settings, configure sendinblue/brevo with api key and mail url, configure cloudinary, input a string for the secret key, set the value of the expiry time for the access token and refresh token in the " application.yml" file.
- Build and run the application:
- Access the application at http://localhost:8181
- Java
- Spring Boot
- Spring Security
- PostgreSQL
- Brevo API
- Cloudinary API
- Thymeleaf
Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue or submit a pull request.