These are the source files used to build the unofficial Light Phone Community Docs. If you'd like to help improve the docs, you can:
Note: The Discord server is not run by any of our moderators, but it's still the best place to connect with members of our community and other Light Phone users.
The following components are used to build and deploy the docs site.
Component | Description | Solution |
Static-Site Generator (SSG) | A framework for building and styling the site. | Material for MkDocs |
Server | Hosts the docs site using the files the GitHub repository. | GitHub Pages |
Information Architecture | This is how content is structured across the site and on each page. | Diátaxis |
Style Guide | This is how content on each page is written. | Microsoft Style Guide |
Light Phone Docs uses Material for MkDocs to build the site, which requires pip
, a Python package manager typically included with Python3. Run the following command to check if its installed. If its not, install it now.
pip3 --version
To install mkdocs-material
, run:
pip3 install mkdocs-material
To build the docs locally, run:
mkdocs serve
Your terminal output will be similar to the following:
➜ light-phone-docs git:(develop) mkdocs serve
INFO - Building documentation...
INFO - Cleaning site directory
INFO - Documentation built in 0.18 seconds
INFO - [21:59:33] Watching paths for changes: 'docs', 'mkdocs.yml'
INFO - [21:59:33] Serving on
INFO - [21:59:34] Browser connected:
If there's no build errors, you should see the following in your web browser.
To stop the server, reopen the terminal and press Control+C.
We pledge to make participation in our community a harassment-free experience for everyone. For more information, see our Code of Conduct.