Invariant protocol is an AMM built on Aleph Zero, leveraging high capital efficiency and the ability to list markets in a permissionless manner. At the core of the DEX is the Concentrated Liquidity mechanism, designed to handle tokens compatible with the PSP22 standard. The protocol is structured around a single contract architecture.
- Rust & Cargo (rustup)
- cargo-contract (cargo-contract)
- substrate-contracts-node (substrate-contracts-node)
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh
rustup component add rust-src && cargo install --force --locked cargo-contract
cargo install contracts-node --git https://github.com/paritytech/substrate-contracts-node.git
- Clone repository
git clone git@github.com:invariant-labs/protocol-a0.git
- Build contract
cargo contract build
- Run tests
cargo test --features e2e-tests
Utilize the Invariant SDK from the npm registry by including it as a dependency. Alternatively, for a customized approach, build the SDK on your own using the commands provided below:
To begin, navigate to the directory dedicated to the SDK
- Build SDK
- Run e2e tests