Hedge Fund As A Service
- We trust in machine
- Machine Learning for Finance
- Financial Data Provider
- Fund Management and Portfolio Recommendation
- Cloud solutions to Financial Firms
- reading from html submissions instead of xml for sec submissions
- running through all years for complete dataset (xmls by cik)
- Upload historical price data
- Create "back in time machine" for back-testing, data transaction with record stamp
graph LR
input[sec, price, raw] -- extract and update --> periodic[n, d, q, y]
periodic -- filter and reshape --> stmt[q-stmt, y-stmt]
stmt -- calc --> ratios[q-ratios, y-ratios]
periodic --add to--> db
ratios --add to--> db
It deploys these components
- dev: my local machine
- ali@fedora
- Linux Fedora with git, python 3.6, bash, gsutil, hugo, markdown
- For everything and development and test
- control: google compute engine free micro machine
- ali@sec
- Just for scheduling and controling jobs in other machies
- Sometimes as a light prototype machine such as flask microservice server
- Linux Debian Stretch, bash and cron, gsutil
- paid (modeler): google compute 13gb 2vCPU machine
- ali@paid
- runs daily jobs assigned by Control and go to bed
- gets new models (python codes) from git when Dev says
- python 3.6, git
- static/blob: google storage
- gs://sec.finmint.us
- for holding static .csv file precompressed and serving http
- dns: google domain
- sec.finmint.us to google storage
- git: in github.com/finmint/sec
- for version control hub of every code
- exclude file (in config folder) excludes all files inside data and dot (data/ and ./)
Backup plan: - codes are in 3 places: dev, github, paid - data are in 2 places: paid (files), static (compressed objects)
- source:
- google_finance
- sec_datasets
- sec_xls_submissions
- ticker_info
- rank and filed (for sec data)
- extract
- sec
- goog
- ticker
- transform/staging
- accounting/stmts/fun
- delivery/target/load
- 10K
- 10Q
- extract (source): input
- extract_goog_fin
- extract_sec_datasets
- extract_sec_xls_submissions
- extract_ticker
- transform (input): op
- transform_goog (right now: ali)
- transform_sec
- load (op): target
Python 3.6+
- API call to fetch "distilled/processed" financial data about all US stocks
- Daily Prices
- Fundemental: Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Cash Flow
- API call to provide "intrinsic value" of a stock based on Machine Learning and Asset Pricing
- API call to provide "best/better investment" similar to a given stock
- API call to analyze the performance of a portfolio
- API call to clean SEC 10k and 10Q data and pickle
HFetch (FirmSymbol, Frequency='D', Start_date, End_date, Statement='Price', Item)
* Load data (Price and Fundemental) into class Firm and pickle
* readIn method from csv file
* downLoad method from websites
- Readin 1 Quarter (2017Q3) data from SEC Edgar:
ReadSEC(url="https://www.sec.gov/files/dera/data/financial-statement-data-sets/", file="2017q3.zip") -> Data.DataSet
- Download from: https://www.sec.gov/files/dera/data/financial-statement-data-sets/2017q3.zip
- Store it in proper format (To Discuss!!!)
- Write it into DataBase format or BigData format (Extra feature)
- Read in 7 files from finance.google and store it in proper format and write a program to do it automatically
- Transform IBM from quarterly to standard format (as in google)
- Read Financial Stamenets From Google Finance:
- Available Data: 2014Q1-2017Q3
- Module: downGoogle
- Purpose: to use a benchmark
- Financial Statements from EDGAR (Historic quarterly)
- Available Data: 2009Q1-2017Q3
- Module: sec2df
- Purpose: the main source of financial statements
- Module: extract_sec_from_xls_submissions.py
- purpose:
- Read daily 10-K, 10-Q submissions by firms to sec (Delta)
- API:
- call: extract_xls_submissions
- args: (sec, new_idx_url, old_idx_path)
- output: pd.DataFrame [](cik, stmt, item, date, qtrs, value, uom)
- Functions:
- extract_xls_submissions
- extract_sheet
- extract_date
- extract_quarter
- extract_unit
- extract_value
- references:
- purpose:
(Later, not necessary): create a pd.Series to store all key-value things like path, directories, names, urls, ... (to discuss)
Make a matching list of items from SEC to Google
Create final datasets:
- 10-K, 10-Q (raw data)
- A, Q (standard data)
- Covers 10 years and 8000 companies
Fill the missing data for datasets
Contact with Quandl and others to sell
- All rights belongs to the contributors
Financial Satements Datasets: https://www.sec.gov/dera/data/financial-statement-data-sets.html
Latest 10-Q reports on Edgar: https://www.sec.gov/cgi-bin/browse-edgar?&type=10-Q&count=100&action=getcurrent&output=atom
Accessing EDGAR data: https://www.sec.gov/edgar/searchedgar/accessing-edgar-data.htm
CIK lookup: https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/cik-lookup-data.txt https://www.sec.gov/divisions/corpfin/organization/cfia-123.htm https://www.sec.gov/cgi-bin/current?q1=0&q2=0&q3= ftp://ftp.nasdaqtrader.com/SymbolDirectory/
Researching Edgar: https://www.sec.gov/oiea/Article/edgarguide.html
Edgar Developer Resource page: https://www.sec.gov/developer
Google Finance: finance.google.com
rank and filed: http://rankandfiled.com/#/data/tickers http://rankandfiled.com/#/public/ABG/financials
company list by ticker: https://www.nasdaq.com/screening/company-list.aspx